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    Version as of 05:05, 13 Mar 2025

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    • Make sure that relevant personnel from your station participate in TOG-meetings.



    • The block schedule should be frequently updated whenever changes or corrections are made.  The most recent version of the block schedule can be found via the links in:
    • Errors in the schedule should be communicated to the EVN Scheduler immediately.  The e-mail for the current EVN scheduler can be found in the EVN contacts page:



    • Stations should spend 7000 €/year on the purchase of disks.



    • Stations are to register incoming and outgoing disk packs using TRACK
    • Provide JIVE your preferred shipping company and the address for shipping disk packs.
    • Prior to the session, JIVE will circulate a pland for disk-pack shipments to the stations based on (initial versions of) the block schedule and the on-hand disk packs wiki page. This plan will outline the composition of the set of disk packs needed by each station to hold observations going to the various correlators (do not record experiments going to different correlators on a single pack).
    • Recorded disk-packs from a session should be sent by a recognised integrated carrier.  Because the mapping of experiments to disk packs can be many-to-many, sending recorded packs to the correlators can usually wait until after the session is completed -- but try to send these  within a week of the end of the session. There may be special instructions in the disk-pack distribution plan concerning holding onto individual pack in light of possible nearby out-of-session observations.
    • Because of the advent of ftp fringe-test segments within individual experiments, special handling of the disk-packs containing NMEs is no longer required.



    • Because of the advent of more frequenct e-VLBI observations, station GPS data should be updated on VLBEER preferrably on a daily basis.  The script many stations uses can found on the TOG wiki:  It is especially important to be current just prior to observations that will have (near) real-time correlation, such as e-VLBI or ftp fringe tests.
    • The naming convention for GPS data is gps.<station> e.g. for Jodrell Bank the file is to be named: gps.jb


    • Station should make sure that the EVN status table is up-to-date:
    • Stations should make sure that the SCHED catalogue information is up-to-date.
    • Stations should keep current their information in the TOG wiki page showing the number and capacities of on-hand disk packs. Contact Alef to gain access.



    • Gunn to send email before each session when the final versions of all schedules are ready for download.
    • All should check that Mk5 modules are placed squarely on a flat surface when received; otherwise connectors are easily damaged when bent 8 packs get inserted in Mark 5 units.
    • All stations should condition disk packs if time permits, especially those which are to be used for 1 Gbps recording.
    • All stations which do both astronomy and geodesy should clearly distinguish between astronomical and geodetic 8 packs and ensure there is no ”leakage” into the wrong pool, as mixing pools can create problems for scheduling.
    • Disk packs should be shipped with one European and one US address on covers so they
      can be easily returned in case a shipment is lost in transit. Put labels on all covers.
    • Make sure that your local FS procedures (station.prc, equip,ctl, etc) are correct and up to date.



    • All stations should monitor Tcal throughout sessions. This can be done by running ANTABFS and plotting the results.
    • All stations should forward FS error log files to Himwich in the event of a crash, including details of what the FS was doing when the crash occurred.
    • All stations should try to run the FS diagnostic tests and investigate the results.
    • All stations should ship disk packs as soon as they are full, at least once per week.
    • All stations should provide feedback on inidivual observations via the EVN Feedback facility
      (, by following links to the session and then experiment. Feedback should be provided as soon as possible after an experiment, but at the most within 7 days of ist completion. The reports should be short, accurate and quantitive. Comments should focus on any failures during the run that may lead (or have led) to loss of data.
    • Observing logs are to be deposited on the VLBEER server ( within 72 hours after the completion of an experiment.
    • If a station fails to observe a given experiment for whicj it is scheduled, a dummy log should be posted on VLBEER (see for an example).
    • Log name convention. All log names should be in lower-case. For observing logs the naming convention is: <project><station>.log
    • The name of an EVN experiment or project is defined within the block schedule.  For example, the observing log from Noto (nt) for project number "GY001B" is to be named: gy001bnt.log



    • All stations should look at pipeline results available from the EVN data archive pages at JIVE, in particular amplitude corrections found by selfcal on strong, compact calibrators. JIVE support scientists should include a comment on the quality of amplitude calibration results, especially to indicate cases where a problem may have occurred and the amplitude correction factors are unreliable.
    • NME calibration files should be made available as early as possible. All stations should look at NME reports sent by JIVE. NMEs should be pipelined as early as possible and email sent to EVNtech when the results are available, to ensure feedback is provided well in advance of the next session.
    • Stations must aim to produce ANTABFS, UVFLG and RXG files within 2 weeks after the end of a session.  JIVE should inform Lindqvist of any problems, so that Directors can be asked to prioritise calibration if insufficient time is available at stations. The naming convention for the ANTABFS files is: <project><station>.antabfs e.g. ey001bwb.antabfs
    • For eVLBI, RXG files from the previous session can often be used. ANTABFS files for eVLBI experiments should be produced as soon as possible (< 24 hours after the experiment) as rapid analysis is often a high priority for these experiments.



    • ANTAB and UVFLG files produced by the JIVE Support Scientist (after post-processing of calibration and log files from stations) should be made available on VLBEER 1 week after correlation of the corresponding project (1 day after correlation for the case of e-VLBI projects).  The naming convention for these files is <project.antab> e.g. gy001b.antab





    Last updated, March 5, 2014.