EVN Monitor

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The EVN-Monitor is a real-time monitoring system for all EVN stations. The EVN-Monitor is able to track all items from the NASA Field System System Status Monitor, this include parameters such as weather information, clock offsets, TSYS measurements, etc. A full list of items which can be tracked is listed below. 

The EVN-Monitor system was originally developed as part of the JUMPING JIVE project, the service is hosted by JIVE. The system is based on the Zabbix monitoring software.

The service can be reached at https://evn-monitor.jive.eu

Start contributing

To contribute to the EVN Monitor please send your public ssh key to keimpema [at] jive.eu. We will also need the IP (range) from which you will be accessing the EVN Monitor so we can whitelist you in our firewall.

An account will then be created and you will receive your username via email.

Uploading data

Uploading data to the EVN Monitor is done by calling a program called datasend over ssh. For example to upload a windspeed of 10 km/h is done by calling

ssh username@evn-monitor.jive.eu datasend ERC.WINDSPEED 10.0

Where in the above example username should be replaced with the username you received after your account was created.

A full list supported items that can be tracked by the EVN monitor is listed in Appendix A, this list can also be obtained from datasend by calling


ssh username@evn-monitor.jive.eu datasend -l
Furthermore, general help can be gotten by calling
ssh username@evn-monitor.jive.eu datasend -h


usage: datasend [-h] [-t TIME] [-l] KEYWORD value

Upload items into the EVN-Monitor


positional arguments:

KEYWORD Name of item, e.g. ERC.WINDSPEED; Use --list for a full list of keywords

value The value of the item to be logged


optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-t TIME, --time TIME Time of data point as number of seconds since 1970 aka unix time. Default: the current time when this script is called.

-l, --list Show list of accepted keywords

Supported Keywords

Below is a table of all supported keywords, items in bold are recommended items for an initial set of parameters to contribute.


Keyword Unit Help
ERC.ANTENNA Text Antenna name
ERC.AZIMUTH Degrees Antenna azimuth
ERC.CABLE ps Cable delay
ERC.CATALOGYEAR Year Year of astronomical catalogue used
ERC.CHECKS Text Activated NASA Field System checks
ERC.DEC Text Declination of Source
ERC.DOTMON µs Clock delay (GPS - FMOUT)
ERC.DOTMON2 µs Clock delay (GPS - FMOUT)
ERC.ELEVATION Degrees Antenna elevation
ERC.FBFREE TB Free diskspace on flexbuff
ERC.HALT Text Scheduling halt status
ERC.HUMIDITY % Meteorological humidity
ERC.IF1 Kelvin System temperature of IF channel 1
ERC.IF2 Kelvin System temperature of IF channel 2
ERC.IF3 Kelvin System temperature of IF channel 3
ERC.IF4 Kelvin System temperature of IF channel 4
ERC.LOG Text Current log file name
ERC.MODE Text Mode
ERC.NEXTTIME Text Time of next activity
ERC.PRESSURE hPa Meteorological pressure
ERC.RA Text Right ascension of source
ERC.RATE Text Rate
ERC.SCHEDULE Text Current schedule
ERC.SOURCE Text Source name
ERC.TEMPERATURE Celcius Meteorological temperature
ERC.TIME Text Current Field System time
ERC.TRACKINGSTATE Text Current tracking state
ERC.WINDDIRECTION Degrees Wind direction
ERC.WINDSPEED km/h Wind speed
ERC.WINDLIMIT km/h Wind speed limit (max speed before antenna is stowed)
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