Disks sess. 2015 - 3

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Disks at JIVE correlator



Disks at Bonn correlator

 113 TB   2x1.4, 14x2, 2x3.2, 1x4, 2x6, 1x16 TB

Disks at stations

Station Disks available New disks planned Quantization of disks in TB
Yebes 108 TB   3x2TB,1x4TB,2x8TB,1x16TB,2x32TB
HartRAO 88 TB   3x8TB, 2x32TB
Effelsberg 32 TB   4x8TB
Torun 4 TB   1x4TB
Onsala 298 TB   5x48TB,1x32TB, 2x8TB,1x6TB,1x4TB
Jodrell 78 TB   2x32TB, 1x8TB, 1x6TB
Medicina 16.6 TB 2 x 32 TB 2x1.3TB,6x2TB,2x32TB
Noto 63,2 TB   2x24TB, 1X3.2TB, 1x6TB, 1x4TB, 1x2TB
Metsähovi 26.68 TB - 1x16TB,1x3.2TB,3x2TB,1x1.48TB
Westerbork 15.2 TB   2x6TB,1x3.2TB
Svetloe 4 TB   1x4TB
Zelenchukskaya 34 TB   1x16TB, 1x8TB
Badary 40 TB --- 1x32TB, 1x8TB
Yonsei 0 TB   -
Ulsan 0 TB   -


0 TB   -
Sardinia 64 TB   2X16TB,4X8TB


Please add any disk space you enter to this page to the value below

TB total stations + Correlators TB total planned Total
1000.68 TB 64 TB 1064.68 TB
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Viewing 1 of 1 comments: view all
At Onsala, we are now conditioning the 5 new 48TB disk modules. So, JIVE may count them as the disks available for session 3/2015 as well. edited 13:55, 21 Aug 2015
Posted 13:52, 21 Aug 2015
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