Disks sess. 2014 - 1

    Disks at JIVE correlator

      736 TB


    Disks at Bonn correlator


    Disks at stations

    Station Disks available New disks planned Quantization of disks in TB
    Yebes 4 TB   1x4 TB
    HartRAO 22 TB 4x16 TB 2x3.2 TB,  2x8 TB
    Effelsberg 6 TB   3 x 2 TB
    Shanghai 16 TB 1x8TB 2x2 TB, 1x4 TB,
    Torun 18 TB   2x2 TB, 1x6 TB, 1x8 TB
    Onsala 23 TB   2x2 TB, 2 x 4 TB, 1 x 8 TB, 1 x 1,4 TB 1 x 1,6 TB
    Jodrell 80 TB 4x16 TB 5x16 TB
    Medicina 31 TB 4x16 TB 1x8 TB, 1x4 TB, 1x3.2TB, 6x2 TB, 3x1.3 TB 
    Metsähovi 11.2 TB 0 1 x 3.2 TB, 4 x 2 TB
    Urumqi 22 TB 8 x 2, 6 x 1 TB
    Westerbork 10 TB   3 x 2 TB, 1 x 4 TB
    Robledo 3.48 TB 0 1x2 TB, 1x1.48 TB
    Svetloe 0 TB   -
    Zelenchukskaya 8 TB   8 TBx1
    Badary 8 TB   8 TBx1
    Arecibo 0 TB -  


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    TB total stations + Correlators TB total planned Total


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