EVN spare parts

    Please enter required spare parts in the list below

    • Mark 5 backplane - 
    • Mark 5 power supply -
    • Mainboard for Mark 5 unit (incl. processor and memory) -
    • Mark 5 Amazon card -
    • DBBC: ADB1
    • DBBC: Core2
    • DBBC: FiLA
    • DBBC: Control computer

    Proposed DBBC spare parts can be found here: http://www.radionet-eu.org/radionet3wiki/doku.php?id=na:eratec:tog:tog-meeting-01:workshop-2012-06-27

    Table with available Mark 5/DBBC spare parts and their location

    Spare part Date when purchased Location
    Contact person
    Complete Mark5B recorder - Jodrell Bank Varenius/Gunn working used condition, offered to anyone who pays the shipping cost
    Complete Mark5C recorder - Jodrell Bank Varenius/Gunn working used condition, offered to anyone who pays the shipping cost
    Mark5B backplane March 2012 Metsähovi Uunila used, can be sent on loan
    Complete Mark5A system March 2005 Metsähovi Uunila used, can be sent on loan

    Mark5B motherboard (Intel SE7520BD2) + 2 x Intel Xeon Processor 3.2 GHz.

    - JIVE Leeuwinga new, can be sent on loan
    Antec TruePower 750 Watt PSU - JIVE Leeuwinga new
    3 x Mark5B LED frontpanel - JIVE Leeuwinga new (x3)
    14 x Mark 5B I/O card - JIVE Leeuwinga new (x14)
    13 x VSI Data Cables - JIVE Leeuwinga new (x13)
    Mark5A I/O card - JIVE Leeuwinga used
    Mark5 StreamStor PCI816-V100 card - JIVE Leeuwinga used, can be sent on loan
    Mark5A rear connector panel - JIVE Leeuwinga used, lots of them
    PATA disk module chassis (empty) - JIVE Leeuwinga used, several
    Mark 5 backplane - Bonn Alef first priority for correlator, can be sent on loan
    Mark 5 XF2 card - Bonn Alef used
    Mark5A connector panel - Bonn Alef used
    Mark 5A I/O card - Bonn Alef used & 1 sent to Jodrell
    Mark 5B I/O card - Bonn Alef used
    Mark 5A I/O card - Yebes de Vicente used & sent to Jodrell in August 2011
    Mark 5B I/O card   Yebes de Vicente new
    Mark5B 816VXF2 card - Yebes de Vicente used
    Mark5B+ motherboard (Intel SE7520BD2) - Onsala Hammargren can be sent on loan
    Mark5A connector panel - Hartebeesthoek Quick used
    Mark5A I/O card - Hartebeesthoek Quick used
    Mark5C 10GigE mezzanine card Dec 2010 Hartebeesthoek Quick new
    1 Advantech PCI7030 CPU Board (including RAM and system Hard Disk) April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 PCI 7200 April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 PCI 9111HR April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 PCI Backplane April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 PC Power Supply April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 Xilinx JTAG Programmer April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 CAT2 April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 CORE2 April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 FILA Out v2 April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 FILA In April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 ADB2 April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 EL Power Supply April 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 Condition Module (Unica4 ass.) April 2014 Wettzell Neidhardt DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 ADB1 April 2014 Torun Borkowski DBBC Spare Part Pool
    1 FILA10G-SA August 2014 Bonn Wunderlich DBBC Spare Part Pool

    Policy on using spare parts

    • It is advisable to ask the TOG chair about the need of a spare part
    • The station that needs the spare part should pay for the transport
    • The station should purchase a new spare part for the pool

    "Obsolete" VLBI Components maintained by Paul Burgess (JBO) and some possible alternatives.


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