

    This shows the current 4 Gbps recording status of the EVN (2023-11-04)


    Telescope Backend Fila10G Recorder C-band
    Ef DBBC2 (4) External Mark6 4 4 4 4 4
    Nt DBBC2 (4) Internal Flexbuff 4a 4a 4 4a -
    On DBBC2 (4) Internal Flexbuf 4 4 4 4 4
    Ys DBBC2 (4) Internal M5B+/Flexbuff 4 4 4 4 4
    Hh DBBC2 (4*) Internal M5C/Flexbuff 4 2b 4 4 -
    Mc DBBC2 (4) External Flexbuff 4 4 4 4 -
    Sh DBBC2 (4) ? M5B+ 2   2 2 -
    T6 DBBC2 (4) Internal M5B+/Flexbuff 4 4 4 4 4
    Ur DBBC2 (4) Internal M5B+/Flexbuff 4c   4 4 -
    Km DBBC2 (4) Internal M5B+/Mark6 4 4 4    
    Ku DBBC2 (4) ? Mark6 4   4 4 -
    Bd R1002 DAS   M5B+ 2   2 2 -
    Sv R1002 DAS   M5B+ 2   2 2 -
    Zc R1002 DAS   M5B+ 2   2 2 -
    Wb DBBC2 (4-) Internal Flexbuff 2d   2d - -
    Tr DBBC2 (4) External M5B+/Flexbuff 4   4 4 -
    Jb1 and Jb2 DBBC2 (4) External Flexbuff 4 4 - 4 -
    Sr DBBC2 (4) Internal Flexbuff 4 4 - 4 -
    Mh DBBC2 (4-) External M5B+/Flexbuff -   2e 4 4
    Ir DBBC2 (4) Internal Mark5C 4   4 - -
    KVN OCTAD   Mark6 -   - 4 4
    Ar (12m) RDBE   Mark6 - - 4 - -
    Ro70 DVP/JPL No M5C N/A   4 - -

    DBBC2 (4) means  4 ADB2 + 4 CORE2

    DBBC2 (4*) means 2 ADB2, 1ADB1 + 4 CORE2

    DBBC2 (4-) means  4 ADB2 + 2 CORE2

    DBBC2 (2) means 2 ADB2 + 2 CORE2

    Available modes are DDC Mode: 32 MHz x 16 channels x 2 pols = 2 x 512 MHz (requiring 4 CORE2) or 64 MHz x 8 channels x 2 pols = 2 x 512 MHz

    R1002 DAS can do 32 MHz x 16 channels = 512 MHz  [analog backend]

    a) Only 400 MHz of IF bandwidth

    b) Only 150 MHz of IF bandwidth

    c) Only 390 MHz of IF bandwidth

    d) Only 160 MHz of IF bandwidth

    e) RCP only

    Ro70 K-band recording data rate limited by bandwidth (70MHz per pol)

    Ro34 Q-band recording data rate limitedby bandwidth (70MHz per pol)

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