Version as of 02:58, 21 Jan 2025

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    This shows the current 2 Gbps recording status of the EVN (2015-04-29)


    Telescope Backend Recorder C-band (Gbps) X-band (Gbps) K-band (Gbps) Q-band (Gbps)
    Ef DBBC2 (4) M5B+ 2 2 2 2
    Nt DBBC2 (4) M5B+ 2 2 2 2
    On DBBC2 (4) M5B+ 2 2 2 2
    Ys DBBC2 (4) M5B+ 2 2 2 2
    Hh DBBC2 (4) M5B+ 2 2 2 -
    Mc DBBC2 (4) M5C 2 2 2 -
    Sh DBBC2 (4) M5B+ 2 2 2 -
    T6 DBBC2 (4) M5B+ 2 2 - -
    Ur DBBC2 (4) M5B+ 2 2 2 -
    Bd R1002 DAS M5B+ 2 2 2 -
    Sv R1002 DAS M5B+ 2 2 2 -
    Zc R1002 DAS M5B+ 2 2 2 -
    Wb DBBC2 (2) M5B+ 1 1 - -
    Tr DBBC2 (2) M5B+ 1 1 1 -
    Jb1 and Jb2 DBBC2 (2) M5B+ 1 - 1 -
    Sr DBBC2 (4) M5B+ - - 2 -
    Mh (a) DBBC2 (4) M5B+ - 1e 2 2
    KVN (d)   M5B+ - - 2 2
    Ar ? ? ? ? - -
    Ro70 JPL ? - - ? -

    a) Stations using DBBC2 (4 ADB2 + 4 CORE2) with DDC mode 32 MHz x 8 channels x 2 pols = 256 MHz x 2 pols [digital backend]

    b) Stations using R1002 DAS (32 MHz x 16 channels = 512 MHz) [analog backend]

    c) Stations using DBBC2 (2 ADB2 + 2 CORE2). DDC Mode: 16 MHz x 8 channels x 2 pols = 128 x 2 MHz [digital backend]

    d) 2 Gbps capability at KVN to be tested in the next months. KVN has 32 MHz x 8 channels, 256 MHz x 1 channel, 512 MHz x 1 channel

    e) Only RCP