Frequency ranges for 2/4 Gbps

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    Please enter here your receivers with their frequency ranges. It should help us to identify the best ranges for 4 Gbps observations, 2*512 MHz (dual polarisation). Please keep this table up to date!

    For each receiver please privide:

    • Available bandwidth in MHz.
    • Which IF output can your telescope provide? For example IF: 500-1000
    • Total frequency range in GHz
    • What limits on LO tunability  do exist? Step size.
    • Type of polarization
    • IF inputs for scheduling (e.g. A, B, A1, C3, ...)
    • normal or typical LO value(s).
    Telescope L-band C-band M-band X-band K-band Q-band W-band (not (EVN) Any other
    Arecibo BW [MHz]                
    IF [MHz]                
    Freq. [GHz]                
    tunable [step size]                
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    Badary BW [MHz] 340 900   900 500      
    IF [MHz]                
    Freq. [GHz] 1.38–1.72 4.60–5.50   8.18–9.08 22.02–22.52      
    tunable [step size]                
    pol. circ. circ.   circ. circ.      
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    Effelsberg BW [MHz] 140 500 4000 920 4000 4000 2000 2500
    IF [MHz] 80-220 500-1000 0-4000 0-920 0-4000 0-4000 0-2000 0-2500
    Freq. [GHz] 1.29-1.43, 1.58-1.73 4.6-5.1 4-9.3 7.9-9.0 18.0-26.0 33-50 84.5-95 12-18
    tunable [step size] 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHzef1 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz
    pol. circ. circ. linear circ. circ. circ. circ circ
    IF input [RCP, LCP] A2, C4 A1, C3 A1, B3 A3, C1
    (geo A4, B4, C2, D2)
    A3, C1 A1, C3 A1, C3 A3, C1
    typical LO

    1170, 1230, 1490, 1510

    4100 8000 7600 (geo 8110) 21500 42400 85500 11900
    Hartebeest-hoekhh1 BW [MHz] 160 500 150 800 1500      
    IF [MHz]


    0-500 0-400 0-1000 0-1500      
    Freq. [GHz] 1.59-1.75 4.6-5.1 5.9-6.9 8.18-8.98 21.4-24.1      
    tunable [step size] 1 kHz no 1 kHz no 1 kHz      
    pol. circ. circ. circ. circ. circ.      
    IF input [RCP, LCP] A1(B2), C1 A1(B2), C1 A1 (B2), C1 A1(B2), C1 A1(B2), C1      
    typical LO 1510 4600 6510 8080 22000      
    Irbene BW [MHz]


    1000 1200 1200        
    IF [MHz] 200-400 400-1400 300-1500 300-1500        
    Freq. [GHz] 1.4-1.6, 1.6-1.72 4.5-5.5, 5.4-6.4 6.4-7.6 7.6-8.8        
    tunable [step size] 1 kHz 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz        
    pol. circ.              
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO 1200, 1350 4100, 5000 6100 7300        
    Jb-1 BW [MHz]                
    IF [MHz]                
    Freq. [GHz]                
    tunable [step size]                
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    JB-2 BW [MHz] 500 500 500   500      
    IF [MHz] 512-1024 512-1024 512-1024   512-1024      
    Freq. [GHz] 1.25-1.75 4.0-7.5 4.0-7.5   20.0-25.02      
    tunable [step size] 1 Hz 1 Hz 1 Hz   1 Hz      
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    Kunming BW [MHz]   442; 954 442; 954 800       127; 154
    IF [MHz]   70-512; 70-1024 70-512; 70-1024 100-900       174-301(HST filter); 160-314(Normal filter)
    Freq. [GHz]   4.0-8.0 4.0-8.0 8.2-9.0       2.0-2.3
    tunable [step size]   yes, 1KHz yes, 1KHz no       no
    pol.   circular circular circular       circular
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO   4600 5900;6400 8100       2000
    Medicina BW [MHz] 100-130 800 800 800 2000      
    IF [MHz] 290-430 100-900 100-900 100-900 100-2100      
    Freq. [GHz] 1.35-1.45
    4.3-5.8 5.9-7.3 8.18-8.98 18.0-26.5      
    tunable [step size] 1Hz 1Hz 1Hz no 1Hz      
    pol. circular circular circular circular circular      
    IF input [RCP, LCP] A1,C1 A1,C1 A1,C1 C1,A1 A1,C1      
    typical LO 1036, 1295 4600 5800,6414 8080 21992      
    MERLIN BW [MHz]                
    IF [MHz]                
    Freq. [GHz]                
    tunable [step size]                
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    Metsähovi BW [MHz]       480 500 500 500  
    IF [MHz]       500-980 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000  
    Freq. [GHz]       8.15-8.65 21.98-22.48 40.0-45.0 86-0-86.5  
    tunable [step size]       no no no no  
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO       7650 21480 42400 85500  
    Noto BW [MHz]   400 400 800 500      
    IF [MHz] 37-466 100-500 100-500 1.116-1.916        
    Freq. [GHz] 1.316-1.745 4.62-5.02 5.1-7.25 8.205-8.938 21.7-22.2      
    tunable [step size] no no yes no no      
    pol. circular circular circular circular circular      
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO 1279              
    Onsala BW [MHz] 500 500 500 1000 500 500 500  
    IF [MHz] 512-1024 512-1536 512-1536 10-1000 512-1024 512-1024 512-1024  
    Freq. [GHz] 1.2-1.75 4.5-7.0 4.5-7.0 8.1-9.1 18.0-26.0 36.0-50.0 85.4-96.4  
    tunable [step size] 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz no 1 MHz 1 MHz no   
    pol. circular circular circluar circular circular circular circular  
    IF input [RCP,  LCP] A1, C1 A1,C1 A1,C1 A1,C1 A1,C1 A1,C1 A1, C1  
    typical LO [MHz] 708 4088


    8080 21480 42300 85500  
    Robledo BW [MHz] 500     500 70 70    
    IF [MHz] 20-520     50-550        
    Freq. [GHz] 1.3-1.8       18.0-26.5 39.0-49.0    
    tunable [step size] yes       yes yes    
    pol. only RCP              
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    Sardiniasr1 BW [MHz] 500 1400 2000   2000     P-Band=100 MHz
    IF [MHz] 500-1000 100-1500 100-2100   100-2100     P-Band=20-100 MHz
    Freq. [GHz] 1.3-1.8 4.2-5.6 5.6-7.6   17.9-25.9    

    P-Band=300-410 MHz

    (best 300-360 MHz)

    tunable [step size] yes (1 mHZ in the range 2100-2400 MHz) yes (10Hz) yes (10 Hz)   yes (10 Hz)     P-Band=no
    pol. linear, circular circular circular   circular     P-Band=linear, circular
    IF input [RCP, LCP] A2, C1 A1, C1 A1, C1   A1,C1     P-Band=A1,C1
    typical LO 2324 4600 6400   21964     P-Band=300
    Shanghai-25m BW [MHz] 320 450 850 800        
    IF [MHz] 600-920 500-1000 75-925 100-700        
    Freq. [GHz] 1.38-1.7 4.65-5.1 5.975-6825 8.2-9.0        
    tunable [step size] no no no no        
    pol. circ. circ. circ. circ.        
    IF input [RCP, LCP] A,B A,B A,B A,B        
    typical LO 2300 4200 5900 8100        
    Svetloe BW [MHz] 340 900   900 500      
    IF [MHz]                
    Freq. [GHz] 1.38–1.72 4.60–5.50   8.18–9.08 22.02–22.52      
    tunable [step size]                
    pol. circ. circ.   circ. circ.      
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    Tamna BW [MHz]         8000 8000 8000  
    IF [MHz]         8000-16000 8000-16000 8000-16000  
    Freq. [GHz]         18.0 - 26.0 35-50 85.0-116.0  
    tunable [step size]         1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz  
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    Tianma 65m BW [MHz] 400 4000 4000 800 8500 15000    
    IF [MHz] 540-940


















    Freq. [GHz] 1.33-1.73 4.0-8.0 4.0-8.0 8.2-9.0 18.0-26.5 35.0-50.0    
    tunable [step size] no yes,1MHz yes,1MHz no yes,1MHz yes,1MHz    
    pol. linear. circ. circ. circ. circ. circ.    
    IF input [RCP, LCP] A4,B3 A4,B3 A4,B3


    (geo A2,B2,C4,D4)

    A4,B3 A4,B3    
    typical LO 2270 4200 5900 8100 21580 42000    
    Torun BW [MHz] 500 500 500   500      
    IF [MHz]                
    Freq. [GHz] 1.30-1.72 4.35-4.95, 4.75-5.35 5.9-6.4   20.0-25.0      
    tunable [step size] 1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz   1 kHz      
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    Ulsan BW [MHz]         8000 8000 8000  
    IF [MHz]         8000-16000 8000-10000 8000-16000  
    Freq. [GHz]         18.0 - 26.0 42.11-44.11 85.0-116.0  
    tunable [step size]         1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz  
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    Urumqi BW [MHz] 500 (upgrading) 954   900 500 954    
    IF [MHz] 100-600 70-1024   100-1000 100-600 70-1024    
    Freq. [GHz] 1.2-1.7 4-8   8.2-9.1 22.0-24.2 30-50    
    tunable [step size] no 1MHz   no 1KHz 1MHz    
    pol. circ. circ.   circ. circ. circ.    
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO 1100 3930-6976   8100 21900-23600 29930-48976    
    Westerbork BW [MHz] 160              
    IF [MHz]                
    Freq. [GHz] 1.15-1.75              
    tunable [step size] yes              
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    Yebes BW [MHz]   500 / 4000 500 / 4000 500 / 4000 1000 2000 500  
    IF [MHz]   500-1000 / 0-4000 500-1000 / 0-4000 500-1000 / 0-4000 0-1000 100-2100 500-1000  
    Freq. [GHz]   4.5-9.0 4.5-9.0 4.5-9.0 21.0-24.0 32.0-50.0 81.0-117.0  
    tunable [step size]   1 Hz 1 Hz 1 HzU yes yes yes  
    pol.   circular circular circular circular linear (+circular in the range [42-44]) linear (+circular in the range [86-88])  
    IF input [RCP, LCP]   A1,C1 A1,C1 A1,C1 A4,C4 A3,C3 A1,C1  
    typical LO                
    Yonsei BW [MHz]         8000 8000 8000  
    IF [MHz]         8000-16000 8000-16000 8000-16000  
    Freq. [GHz]         18.0-26.0 35.0-50.0 85.0-116.0  
    tunable [step size]         1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz  
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    Zelenchukskaya BW [MHz] 340 900   900 500      
    IF [MHz]                
    Freq. [GHz] 1.38–1.72 4.60–5.50   8.18–9.08 22.02–22.52      
    tunable [step size]                
    pol. circ. circ.   circ. circ.      
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                
    VLBA BW [MHz] 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
    IF [MHz] 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000 500-1000
    Freq. [GHz] 1.18-1.85 4.0-8.0 4.0-8.0 7.7-9.05 20.5-25.3 37.6-46.2 86.0-96.2 12.0-18.0
    tunable [step size] 100 MHz 200-300 MHzv1 200-300 MHzv1 200-300 MHzv1 200-300 MHzv1 200-300 MHzv1 200-300 MHzv1 200-300 MHzv1
    pol. circ. circ. circ. circ. circ. circ. circ. circ.
    IF input [RCP, LCP]                
    typical LO                

    ef1 some restrictions on LO exist because of IF boundaries.

    hh1also S-band: 0.24 (2.21-2.45) and Ku-band: 0.40 (11.41-12.61)

    mh1also S-band: 0.14 (2.21-2.35)

    sr1also P-band: 85, 0.305 - 0.390, 300

    v1 For more details see freq_RDBE.dat in sched catalog directory

    The old table is available here