Observatory Status

    Version as of 08:12, 3 Mar 2025

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    Current status of EVN observatories

    Due to the current health situation around the world some observatories have limited staff available, have reduced observing times. or closed their facilities. For an overview please indicate in the table below the status of your observatory. Thanks


    Station Comment
    Effelsberg Still regular observations, limited technical support.
    HartRAO Under lockdown as of March 26.  Remote operation continuing, but no technical support.
    Jodrell & MERLIN closed since March 17, 2020.
    KVN Rugular observations.
    Medicina Update 24/03. The city of Medicina completely locked down (none allowed to leave or enter) due to worrying spread of the infection. Some colleagues live inside this red zone and cannot leave their homes. The station, even if is is outside the restricted area, can be accessed by a very limited number of people. The telescope is still idle for the technical problem that forced us to skip the previous session. The maintenace, orginally planned for Match the 9th, was postponed to a to-be-defined date.
    Metsähovi Still regular observations, limited technical support.
    Noto Update 24/03. At the moment, virus spread seems to be under control in Sicily. Nevertheless due to the regulations and restrictions imposed by Goverment we can have very limited number of people at the station. The telescope is still idle for the technical problem that forced us to skip the previous session. The maintenace, orginally planned for Match the 16th, was postponed to a to-be-defined date.

    Update 24/3: 20 m: geo-VLBI sessions done remotely from home. Single-dish stopped. Due to limited technical support not certain if/when we can prepare for the GMVA-session.

    Update 24/3: 25 m: Due to technical problems with the stow lock we will not use telescope remotely at the moment (safety). The lab may possibly fix the problem next week.


    Sardinia Update 24/03. Sr is still observing. However due to INAF regulation and Government restrictions, only a couple of people  can be at the telescope at the same time. We need daily authorization by our Director to go either to the institute (99% of employees works from home) or to the telescope. 
    T6 (Shanghai)  
    Westerbork Still regular observations , remote operations, some engineers still on site.
    Yebes Remote operation of scheduled observations at least until April 11th, limited technical support.