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    • Directors agreed each institute to invest ~3000 € in spare parts (see minutes from TOG-meeting at Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico, USA, 29/30 Aug 2011)


    • Stations should spend 7000 €/year on the purchase of disks.


    • Stations should ensure SCHED catalogue information is up-to-date.
    • Stations should update the page of the disk inventory. (Contact Alef to gain access.) They should also indicate the disk space on new modules by e-mail to Lindqvist.


    • Gunn to send email before each session when the final versions of all schedules are ready for download.
    • All should check that Mk5 modules are placed squarely on a flat surface when received; otherwise connectors are easily damaged when bent 8 packs get inserted in Mark 5 units.
    • All stations should condition disk packs if time permits, especially those which are to be used for 1 Gbps recording.
    • All stations which do both astronomy and geodesy should clearly distinguish between astronomical and geodetic 8 packs and ensure there is no ”leakage” into the wrong pool, as mixing pools can create problems for scheduling.
    • Disk packs should be shipped with one European and one US address on covers so they
      can be easily returned in case a shipment is lost in transit. Put labels on all covers.



    • All stations should monitor Tcal throughout sessions. This can be done by running ANTABFS and plotting the results.
    • All stations should forward FS error log files to Himwich in the event of a crash, including details of what the FS was doing when the crash occurred.
    • All stations should try to run the FS diagnostic tests and investigate the results.
    • All stations should ship disk packs as soon as they are full, at least once per week, following the Bologna rules.



    • All stations should look at pipeline results available from the EVN data archive pages at JIVE, in particular amplitude corrections found by selfcal on strong, compact calibrators. JIVE support scientists should include a comment on the quality of amplitude calibration results, especially to indicate cases where a problem may have occurred and the amplitude correction factors are unreliable.
    • NME calibration files should be made available as early as possible. All stations should look at NME reports sent by JIVE. NMEs should be pipelined as early as possible and email sent to EVNtech when the results are available, to ensure feedback is provided well in advance of the next session.
    • Stations must aim to produce ANTAB and RXG files within 2 weeks after the end of a session. For eVLBI, RXG files from the previous session can often be used. ANTAB files for eVLBI experiments should be produced as soon as possible as rapid analysis is often a high priority for these experiments. JIVE should inform Lindqvist of any problems, so that Directors can be asked to prioritise calibration if insufficient time is available at stations.


    Last updated, October 17, 2013.