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    Combined revision comparison

    Comparing version 16:21, 7 Apr 2022 by ubach with version 18:52, 16 May 2024 by sergio.poppi.


    • All stations should look at pipeline results available from the EVN data archive pages at JIVE, in particular amplitude corrections found by selfcal on strong, compact calibrators. JIVE support scientists should include a comment on the quality of amplitude calibration results, especially to indicate cases where a problem may have occurred and the amplitude correction factors are unreliable.
    • NME calibration files should be made available as early as possible. All stations should look at NME reports sent by JIVE. NMEs should be pipelined as early as possible and email sent to EVNtech when the results are available, to ensure feedback is provided well in advance of the next session.
    • Stations must aim to produce ANTABFS-, UVFLG- and RXG-files within 2 weeks after the end of a session.  JIVE should inform the TOG Chair of any problems, so that Directors can be asked to prioritise calibration if insufficient time is available at stations. The naming convention for the ANTABFS-file is: <project><station>.antabfs e.g. gy001bwb.antabfs
    • For eVLBI, RXG-files from the previous session can often be used. LOG- and ANTABFS-files for eVLBI experiments should be made available at vlbeer as soon as possible (< 24 hours after the experiment) as rapid analysis is often a high priority for these experiments.


    Other changes:

    1. /body/ul[6]/li/a/@class: " external""external"

    Version from 16:21, 7 Apr 2022

    This revision modified by ubach (Ban)


    • All stations should look at pipeline results available from the EVN data archive pages at JIVE, in particular amplitude corrections found by selfcal on strong, compact calibrators. JIVE support scientists should include a comment on the quality of amplitude calibration results, especially to indicate cases where a problem may have occurred and the amplitude correction factors are unreliable.
    • NME calibration files should be made available as early as possible. All stations should look at NME reports sent by JIVE. NMEs should be pipelined as early as possible and email sent to EVNtech when the results are available, to ensure feedback is provided well in advance of the next session.
    • Stations must aim to produce ANTABFS-, UVFLG- and RXG-files within 2 weeks after the end of a session.  JIVE should inform the TOG Chair of any problems, so that Directors can be asked to prioritise calibration if insufficient time is available at stations. The naming convention for the ANTABFS-file is: <project><station>.antabfs e.g. gy001bwb.antabfs
    • For eVLBI, RXG-files from the previous session can often be used. LOG- and ANTABFS-files for eVLBI experiments should be made available at vlbeer as soon as possible (< 24 hours after the experiment) as rapid analysis is often a high priority for these experiments.


    Version as of 18:52, 16 May 2024

    This revision modified by sergio.poppi (Ban)
