Beam maps

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Current status with the availability of beam maps from stations. These maps, when available , should be provided to JIVE.


Current status of the availability of beam maps at the stations

  L Band C band M band X band K band Q band Last updated
Bd in progress


1610 sent to JIVE

NA 1710 sent to JIVE in progress NA 23-11-2017
Ef at JIVE at JIVE ? available available ? 19-06-2015
Hh In progress In progress         18-06-2015
KVN - - - - available available 10-06-2015

at JIVE @1413MHz


Work in progress. Work In progress Work in progress Work in progress - 08-01-2021
Mh - - - no no no 09-06-2015
On at JIVE at JIVE at JIVE        
Sr Maps sent to JIVE (elevation ranges 22-35; 53-73 degrees) @1550 MHz - Maps sent to JIVE (elevation ranges 12-17; 17-22; 26-32; 34-40; 42-48; 50-56; 58-64; 66-72; 76-84 degrees) @6900 MHz - Maps sent to JIVE (elevation ranges 20-40; 40-60; 60-80 degrees) @21975 MHz - 24-11-2020
Tr at JIVE at JIVE at JIVE NA at JIVE NA 14-09-2016
Sv in progress


1610 sent to JIVE

NA in progress in progress NA 29-11-2016
Wb in progress in progress in progress in progress     05-11-2015
Ys - at JIVE at JIVE available available available 5-06-2015
Zc in progress in progress NA in progress in progress NA 12-01-2016
Ib in progress at JIVE in progress in progress N/A N/A 6-11-2019
Ir in progress in progress in progress in progress N/A N/A 6-11-2019


  • When filling the table please also update the last column.
  • If you have sent the maps to JIVE, state so in the table.
  • If you have measured the beam of your station but it is only available locally, state so.
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