2019 Oct (c192)

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General session information:

block schedule

Report, regarding the poor performace of the VLBA in this session:


Description of special processing applied to P3 (Pico Veleta DBBC3) data in this session:

Special processing of P3 (Pico Veleta DBBC3) data in C192 session

Storage requirements

Stations Obs time [hrs] total volume [TB] @4Gbps Recording
VLBA 39 36 Mark6
Ys, On, Mk, Eb 38 +2 36 local & etransfer
Pv 38 +2 36 Mark6
KVN 36 32.5 local & etransfer
GLT 45 40.5 Mark6

assuming a duty cycle of 50%.

Correlation Status





Sources DOYS UT Freq Stations Status PI Comment
  F192A   276   86360 MHz Ef, On, O6, Ys, Mh, Pv ,P3 done n/a fringe check
MC004 C192A 1803+784 276-277 18:30-04:30 86360 MHz Ef, On, Ys, Mh, Pv, P3, VLBA, GLT, KVN correlation finished, data released to PI CUI  
MM017A, MB011B C192B FERMI sources 277-278 04:30-07:30 86360 MHz Ef, On, Ys, Mh, Pv, P3, VLBA, GLT, KVN correlation finished, data released to PI MARSCHER

C192B and MM017A coinside except for 2013+370 (277:1445-1701) data used for MB011B too.

MB011B C192C Cygnus A 278-279 13:15-09:30 86360 MHz Ef, On, Ys, Mh, Pv, P3, VLBA, GLT, KVN correlation finished, data released to PI BACH  

General comments

  • Ys has switched the IF configuration with c192b from using A/C to A/B. The first affected scan is no0053. The change was done due to a faulty calibration of board C which led to lower amplitudes in LCP prior to the change.
  • "Normal" Pico Veleta PV (DBBC2) data was recorded with wrong polarization setup for most of the session (during C192A, C192B and the first quarter of C192C parts both polarization channels recorded RCP and LCP was completely lost). That's why the main production correlation was done with DBBC3 data in 16 32 MHz band mode rather than usual 8 64 MHz per pol. Because DBBC3 is still in the comissioning stage, certain hardware problems were detected -- phase instability and small amplitude insonsistencies for different boards. To compensate this, additional per band delay corrections were applied during the correlation, see details here.
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