2017 Mar (c171)

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    Correlation Status March 2017














    MN001 C171A 3C84 89-90 8:30-1:30 86 Eb,Yb,On,Mh,KVN,GB,VLBA Correlated, quality checked Nagai  
    MA009   M87 89-90 22-13 86 Eb,Yb,On,Mh,Pv,KVN,GB,VLBA Correlated, quality checked Asada  
    MB005 C171B NGC1052 90 9:30-24 86 Eb,Yb,On,Mh,Pv,GB,VLBA,Nt(7mm) Correlated, quality checked Baczko  
    MM07B C171C Fermi sources 90-92 19-18:20 86 Eb,Yb,On,Mh,Pv,KVN,GB,VLBA Correlated, quality checked Marscher  
    MG002 - OJ287 92-93 17:20-07 86 Eb,Yb,On,Mh,Pv,Aa,VLBA Correlated, quality check Gomez ALMA mode
    MB007 - Sgr* 93 03-15:20 86 Eb,Yb,Pv,GB,Aa,VLBA Correlated, quality check Brinkerink ALMA mode
    MA008 - 3C273 93-94 19-11 86 Eb,Yb,Pv,On,Mh,Aa,VLBA Correlated,  quality check Akiyama ALMA mode


    General comments:

    Whole session:

    • Ys has (as usual) observed  LCP only
    • Pt has fringes only in parts of the experiment and only to a few stations


    • MH no fringes. Strange AC indicating error in setup of firmware. MH has a rare DBBC setup.
    • Pv: used 32 MHz PFB by mistake. Not included in first run with 58 MHz sub-bands.
    • Ys fringes in MB007. Seems to have used 32 MHz PFB in other 2 observations.
    • ALMA: first time with GMVA and good fringes
    • A 2nd correlation pass was done to recover Pv and Ys: requires experimental zoom-mode and stitching of sub-bands to 58 MHz. More info under mg002.
    • 3 correlations done:
      • 58 MHz sub-bands (defined by ALMA sub-bands). No Pv and Ys data included
      • 32 MHz sub-bands to match Pv and Ys setup, correlated with all stations
      • different "zoom-bands" which cut good pieces of ALMA mode and 32 MHz mode. Has to be stitched together by new task written by J. Wagner to form again 58 MHz sub-bands. This is tranparent to the users. Correlated with all stations.
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    Viewing 1 of 1 comments: view all
    For the ALMA mode experiments some stations recorded data in the wrong mode, using PFB instead of the full band mode. Could be related to a bug in the FS, which did not recognize the command dbbc=dbbcform=full_auto.
    Correlator team will try to glue the PFB bands together so that at least part of the data can be recovered.
    Appart form the above of MH also did have a firmware problem. Therefore the Alma mode data from this station are likely to be unusable. edited 14:44, 20 Jul 2017
    Posted 09:58, 20 Jul 2017
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