2022 Session I (c221)

    Version as of 01:02, 12 Dec 2024

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    Correlation Status





    Sources DOYS UT Freq Stations Status PI Comment
      f221a   90 12:00- 16:50 86 European     fringe test

    General comments

    ALMA cancelled the post-EHT GMVA observing run as major issues turned up with the ALMA H-maser.

    LMT cancelled their post-EHT GMVA observation after shortage in staffing. 

    In DiFX, wide clock search done with find_RadioAstron_Fringe and 163840 channels over 64 MHz.

    Haystack Hs

    In track C221C station Hs is to be correlated at Haystack. Bonn extracted data of scans 093-0015 093-0030 093-0045 093-0100 093-0115 and 093-0600 from stations EF, YS, OV, PT, KP, and e-transferred them 03may2022 to Haystack for processing there.

    ATCA 86 GHz

    Info from Cormac R. The ATCA data for Bonn are tracks A, C, E.

    ATCA recordings are dual datastream 2-ch 2-bit with c221?_DAS1_*.lba files containing the first 64 MHz band (dual pol), and c221?_DAS1_*.lba the second 64 MHz band. Requires v2d format=LBASTD.

    Reference antenna was on pad W102 (track A, C) and pad W45 (track E) according to DiFX Espresso atcapos.py for the VEX time ranges that AT was scheduled under tracks A/C/E. Using Espresso updatepos.py, and the env var STADB pointing to Sched 11.6 locations.dat, the corresponding VEX site coordinates are:

    * W102 Tracks A and B
    site_position =  -4751655.39672 m: 2791673.9797 m: -3200491.11339 m;
    site_velocity =  -0.03099 m/yr: -0.00458 m/yr: 0.04203 m/yr;
    site_position_epoch = 50449;
    * W45 Track C
    site_position =  -4752098.19972 m: 2790922.2537 m: -3200491.11339 m;
    site_velocity =  -0.03099 m/yr: -0.00458 m/yr: 0.04203 m/yr;
    site_position_epoch = 50449;
    Maser data for AT are clockRate = -6.31E-08 clockEpoch = 59669.704

    Recording media


    Station Required [TB] Media Capacity Status ( May 2022)
    NL 143 MPI%1200 MPI%8021 1x 128 1x 80 MPI%1200 in Bonn, has all tracks
    MPI%8021 not returned
    PT 143 MPI%1201 MPI%8026 1x 128 1x 80 MPI%1201 in Bonn, -"-
    MPI%8026 not returned
    LA 143 MPI%1202 MPI%8028 1x 128 1x 80 MPI%1202 in Bonn, -"-
    MPI%8028 not returned
    FD 143 MPI%1203 MPI%8029 1x 128 1x 80 MPI%1203 in Bonn -"-
    MPI%8029 not returned
    BR 143 MPI%1204 MPI%8007 1x 128 1x 80 MPI%1204 in Bonn, -"-
    MPI%8007 not returned
    MK 143 MPI%1205 MPI%8008 1x 128 1x 80 MPI%1205 in Bonn
    MPI%8008 not returned -- TODO mk6dir
    OV 143 MPI%1206 MPI%8015 1x 128 1x 80 MPI%1206 in Bonn, has all tracks
    MPI%8015 not returned
    KP 143 MPI%1207 MPI%8019 1x 128 1x 80 MPI%1207 in Bonn, -"-
    MPI%8019 not returned
    HN 35 MPI%8027 1x 80 arrived in Bonn
    SC 35 MPIH%027 1x 48 arrived in Bonn -- TODO mk6dir
    NOEMA 2x 78 MPI%8048 MPI%8055 2x 80 ready for shipping - not arrived yet, no response from IRAM so far
    PV 78 MPI%1100 MPI%1101 2x 112 arrived instead: MPI%8003 (RCP) and MPI%8020 (LCP)
    GB 55 MPI%8018 1x 80 arrived in Bonn
    GLT 4x 68 GLT%0013 - GLT%0015 4x64 arrived 30.5.2022, shipping company error hance late
    ALMA 4x 36 media on site already   (not observed: H-maser died)
    Haystack 57 own media   Remains at Haystack, for their own fringe test correlation.
    Uploaded a few scans of some stations for them.
    ATCA 16 own media   Destined for Bonn A:done C:done E:done - all finished 30.5.2022
    Handled by Cormac Reynolds, pushed from
    MOPRA 25 own media   pending, Cormac will push from
    EF ? e-transfer   A: done B:done C:done D:running E:pending
    Handled by Uwe Bach
    YS 99, actual:80 e-transfer   completed 20may2022, UDP 800 Mbps
    MH 99, actual:75 e-transfer   completed 20may2022, TCP htcp  ~1 Gbps
    ON 99, actual:80 e-transfer   completed 16may2022, TCP htcp ~1 Gbps
    KVN 99, actual:200? e-transfer   transfer ongoing since ??.4.2022
    A:done B:pending(?) C:done D:done E:done