2019 Apr (c191)

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    Correlation Status





    Sources DOYS UT Freq Stations Status PI Comment
      F191A   94   86360 MHz VLBA Ef On Mh Ys Pv done n/a 4 Gbps test
      F191B 0420-014, 3C84 94 13:30-15:00 86360 MHz Ef On Ys Mh Pv done n/a 2 Gbps fringe test
    MH004A C191A 3C84, M87, 3C273, 3C279 94 00:04-11:00 86360 MHz VLBA + GBT, GLT correlation finished, data released on 19.09.2019 Hada  
    MM014 C191B 1510-089, 3C279, 1749+096 94-95 23:00-13:59 86360 MHz Ef On Ys Mh Pv, VLBA
    + GBT
    correlation finished, data released on 19.09.2019 MacDonald  
    MG005A C191C OJ287, 1055+018, 3C84 95-96 17:00-05:21 86360 MHz Ef On Ys Mh Pv, VLBA
    + GBT, GLT
    correlation finished, data released on 19.09.2019 Gomez  
    MG005B C191C 3C345, 1633+38, 1749+096 96 02:31-16:25 86360 MHz Ef On Ys Mh Pv, VLBA
    + GBT, GLT
    correlation finished, data released on 19.09.2019 Gomez  
    MM016 C191D FERMI sources 96-98 17:00-23:50 86360 MHz Ef On Ys Mh Pv, VLBA w/o GBT, GLT, KVN correlation finished, data released on 19.09.2019 Marscher  
    MH004B C191E 3C273, M87, OJ287 98-99 20:20-07:57 86360 MHz Ef On Ys Mh Pv, VLBA
    + GBT, GLT
    correlation finished, data released on 19.09.2019 Hada  
    MK011 C191E 3C345, MRK501, 1633+38, 3C454.3 99 05:00-16:00 86360 MHz Ef On Ys Mh Pv, VLBA w/o GBT, GLT, KVN correlation finished, data released on 19.09.2019 Koyama  

    General comments

    ALMA was supposed to take part in C191B and C191C, but did not participate because of extremely harsh weather.. Pv also had an unfavorable weather for most of the session, so although it formally participated in all C191B-C191E, in some of these experiments it had not recorded even a single scan.