2024 Session II (c242)

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    Version from 11:06, 19 Dec 2024

    This revision modified by jwagner (Ban)

    Correlation Status





    Sources DOYS UT Freq Stations Status PI Comment
      f242a   284   86 European      
      c242a   284   86,43 Global      
      c242b   285   86 Global      
      c242c   286   86 Global      
      c242d   286   86,43 Global      

    General comments


    • Nn has pad N09
    • Apex joining for the first time
    • Ef is out


    Observing Notes

    • Fringe test was successful in detecting fringes between Nn, Pv, On, Ys, Mh.
    • Pv stowed at ~07:15 UTC until scan 576, stopping again at 20:20 UTC, back at scan 743, then stopped after an hour.
    • Nn stowed due to wind at 16:20 UTC and until 23:40 UTC(c242a)
    • Apex out initially due to power failure, on source ~13:30 UTC
    • Ys lost scans 209-222
    • Oct 12 Nn stopped at 14:07
    • Pv on sky since 14:30 UTC (scan 320).
    • c242c/d Ys very foggy, cloudy
    • Pv stopped due to strong wind at 19:45 UTC.
    • Oct 13 Nn started with scan at 05:45 but had acquisition problems 07:30-08:30

    Mounting the APEX GMVA Module

    APEX data are on BHC%0141 in CD502. In order to hand-carry GMVA data from APEX to Bonn, data were consolidated from two Mark6 modules (2 x 8 disks) onto a more readily transportable set of 8 loose disks.

    Data of one polarization are in the standard per-disk subdirectory 'data', data of the other polarization are in 'GMVA_slot2'.

    To mount the "two modules" contained on BHC%0141, use:

    # assuming that BHC%0141 is in slot 1:
    fuseMk6 -r '/mnt/disks/1/*/data' /`hostname -s`_fuse/1
    fuseMk6 -r '/mnt/disks/1/*/GMVA_slot2' /`hostname -s`_fuse/2

    APEX Disk Recovery - for future reference

    During unrelated tests at MPIfR, unfortunately the filesystem metadata on 1 out of the 8 disks got erased, i.e., "erased" part of the module. During a later trip to APEX the missing 'GMVA_slot2' files of that disk were copied out from the still existing module there. These were then integrated back into BHC%0141. The missing 'data' files of that disk were less trivial to recover. Nevertheless, full recovery was successful. Module BHC%0141 contains the full original data again. For future reference the steps were:

    # Make a low level backup of the wiped disk
    root@mark6-08> cd /data/gmva2024_2/
    root@mark6-08> dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb of=apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw status=progress
    root@mark6-08> chmod a-w apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw
    root@mark6-08> fdisk -lu apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw
     #        Start          End    Size  Type            Name
     1         2048  15627857919    7.3T  Microsoft basic MPIH%024_5
     2  15627857920  15628052479     95M  Microsoft basic MPIH%024_5m
    # Grab the XFS file system structure from an intact disk
    root@mark6-08> cd /data/gmva2024_2/
    root@mark6-08> losetup --read-only -o $((512*2048)) /dev/loop1 /dev/sdc
    root@mark6-08> xfs_metadump -g -f -o -w -a /dev/loop1 apex-module-disk2-intact.xfs_metadump
    root@mark6-08> losetup -D ; losetup -a
    # Transplant XFS structure from intact disk onto wiped-disk raw content
    root@fxmanager> cd /data/gmva2024_2/
    root@fxmanager> dd bs=512 if=apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw \
       of=recovery-attempt.fs skip=2048 count=$((15627857919-2048+1)) status=progress conv=notrunc
    root@fxmanager> dd status=progress conv=notrunc bs=512 count=1024 \
        seek=15627855872 if=/dev/zero of=recovery-attempt.fs  # appends a bit of 0x00 padding
    root@fxmanager> losetup -v -o 0 /dev/loop0 recovery-attempt.fs
    root@fxmanager> xfs_mdrestore -g apex-module-disk2-intact.xfs_metadump /dev/loop0
      2070 MB read
    root@fxmanager> mkdir cloop ; mount /dev/loop0 ./cloop/ -txfs -oro
      # success!
    # Copy out data from the mounted loop device i.e. from the fixed xfs partition:
    oper@fxmanager> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ ; mkdir recovered_content
    oper@fxmanager> cp -anv ./cloop/data/*.vdif ./recovered_content/
    oper@fxmanager> mkdir recovered_GMVA_slot2
    oper@fxmanager> cp -anv ./cloop/data/*.vdif ./recovered_GMVA_slot2/
    # Restore content: init the half-wiped partitions, restore Mk6 metadata
    root@mark6-08> mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb1
    root@mark6-08> mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb2
    root@mark6-08> mount /dev/sdb2 /tmp ; cp -av /mnt/disks/.meta/1/2/* /tmp; umount /tmp
    # 1) Add GMVA_slot2 data from new disk from post-GMVA APEX visit
    #    (could actually use ./recovered_GMVA_slot2/, too, but did not get to proceed
    #    with the low-level recovery attempts until after the post-GMVA APEX visit :P)
    stop & start mk5daemon
    oper@mark6-08> sudo mount /mnt/disks/1/2/ -oremount,rw
    root@mark6-08> cp -anv /mnt/disks/3/1/GMVA_slot2_copy/* /mnt/disks/1/2/GMVA_slot2/
    # 2) Also add the 'data' files from restored image
    oper@mark6-08> cp -anv /data/gmva2024_2/recovered_content/*.vdif /mnt/disks/1/2/data/
    oper@mark6-08> sudo mount /mnt/disks/1/2/ -oremount,ro

    Recording Media

    see the: media distribution plan

    Version as of 09:45, 4 Mar 2025

    This revision modified by jwagner (Ban)

    Correlation Status





    Sources DOYS UT Freq Stations Status PI Comment
      f242a   284   86 European      
      c242a   284   86,43 Global      
      c242b   285   86 Global      
      c242c   286   86 Global      
      c242d   286   86,43 Global      

    General comments


    • Nn has pad N09
    • Apex joining for the first time
    • Ef is out

    Observing Notes

    • Fringe test was successful in detecting fringes between Nn, Pv, On, Ys, Mh.
    • Pv stowed at ~07:15 UTC until scan 576, stopping again at 20:20 UTC, back at scan 743, then stopped after an hour.
    • Nn stowed due to wind at 16:20 UTC and until 23:40 UTC(c242a)
    • Apex out initially due to power failure, on source ~13:30 UTC
    • Ys lost scans 209-222
    • Oct 12 Nn stopped at 14:07
    • Pv on sky since 14:30 UTC (scan 320).
    • c242c/d Ys very foggy, cloudy
    • Pv stopped due to strong wind at 19:45 UTC.
    • Oct 13 Nn started with scan at 05:45 but had acquisition problems 07:30-08:30

    Mounting the APEX GMVA Module

    APEX data are on BHC%0141 in CD502. In order to hand-carry GMVA data from APEX to Bonn, data were consolidated from two Mark6 modules (2 x 8 disks) onto a more readily transportable set of 8 loose disks.

    Data of one polarization are in the standard per-disk subdirectory 'data', data of the other polarization are in 'GMVA_slot2'.

    To mount the "two modules" contained on BHC%0141, use:

    # assuming that BHC%0141 is in slot 1:
    fuseMk6 -r '/mnt/disks/1/*/data' /`hostname -s`_fuse/1
    fuseMk6 -r '/mnt/disks/1/*/GMVA_slot2' /`hostname -s`_fuse/2

    APEX Disk Recovery - for future reference

    During unrelated tests at MPIfR, unfortunately the filesystem metadata on 1 out of the 8 disks got erased, i.e., "erased" part of the module. During a later trip to APEX the missing 'GMVA_slot2' files of that disk were copied out from the still existing module there. These were then integrated back into BHC%0141. The missing 'data' files of that disk were less trivial to recover. Nevertheless, full recovery was successful. Module BHC%0141 contains the full original data again. For future reference the steps were:

    # Make a low level backup of the wiped disk
    root@mark6-08> cd /data/gmva2024_2/
    root@mark6-08> dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb of=apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw status=progress
    root@mark6-08> chmod a-w apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw
    root@mark6-08> fdisk -lu apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw
     #        Start          End    Size  Type            Name
     1         2048  15627857919    7.3T  Microsoft basic MPIH%024_5
     2  15627857920  15628052479     95M  Microsoft basic MPIH%024_5m
    # Grab the XFS file system structure from an intact disk
    root@mark6-08> cd /data/gmva2024_2/
    root@mark6-08> losetup --read-only -o $((512*2048)) /dev/loop1 /dev/sdc
    root@mark6-08> xfs_metadump -g -f -o -w -a /dev/loop1 apex-module-disk2-intact.xfs_metadump
    root@mark6-08> losetup -D ; losetup -a
    # Transplant XFS structure from intact disk onto wiped-disk raw content
    root@fxmanager> cd /data/gmva2024_2/
    root@fxmanager> dd bs=512 if=apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw \
       of=recovery-attempt.fs skip=2048 count=$((15627857919-2048+1)) status=progress conv=notrunc
    root@fxmanager> dd status=progress conv=notrunc bs=512 count=1024 \
        seek=15627855872 if=/dev/zero of=recovery-attempt.fs  # appends a bit of 0x00 padding
    root@fxmanager> losetup -v -o 0 /dev/loop0 recovery-attempt.fs
    root@fxmanager> xfs_mdrestore -g apex-module-disk2-intact.xfs_metadump /dev/loop0
      2070 MB read
    root@fxmanager> mkdir cloop ; mount /dev/loop0 ./cloop/ -txfs -oro
      # success!
    # Copy out data from the mounted loop device i.e. from the fixed xfs partition:
    oper@fxmanager> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ ; mkdir recovered_content
    oper@fxmanager> cp -anv ./cloop/data/*.vdif ./recovered_content/
    oper@fxmanager> mkdir recovered_GMVA_slot2
    oper@fxmanager> cp -anv ./cloop/data/*.vdif ./recovered_GMVA_slot2/
    # Restore content: init the half-wiped partitions, restore Mk6 metadata
    root@mark6-08> mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb1
    root@mark6-08> mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb2
    root@mark6-08> mount /dev/sdb2 /tmp ; cp -av /mnt/disks/.meta/1/2/* /tmp; umount /tmp
    # 1) Add GMVA_slot2 data from new disk from post-GMVA APEX visit
    #    (could actually use ./recovered_GMVA_slot2/, too, but did not get to proceed
    #    with the low-level recovery attempts until after the post-GMVA APEX visit :P)
    stop & start mk5daemon
    oper@mark6-08> sudo mount /mnt/disks/1/2/ -oremount,rw
    root@mark6-08> cp -anv /mnt/disks/3/1/GMVA_slot2_copy/* /mnt/disks/1/2/GMVA_slot2/
    # 2) Also add the 'data' files from restored image
    oper@mark6-08> cp -anv /data/gmva2024_2/recovered_content/*.vdif /mnt/disks/1/2/data/
    oper@mark6-08> sudo mount /mnt/disks/1/2/ -oremount,ro

    Recording Media

    see the: media distribution plan