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Combined revision comparison
# Make a low level backup of the wiped disk root@mark6-08> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ root@mark6-08> dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb of=apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw status=progress root@mark6-08> chmod a-w apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw root@mark6-08> fdisk -lu apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw # Start End Size Type Name 1 2048 15627857919 7.3T Microsoft basic MPIH%024_5 2 15627857920 15628052479 95M Microsoft basic MPIH%024_5m # Grab the XFS file system structure from an intact disk root@mark6-08> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ root@mark6-08> losetup --read-only -o $((512*2048)) /dev/loop1 /dev/sdc root@mark6-08> xfs_metadump -g -f -o -w -a /dev/loop1 apex-module-disk2-intact.xfs_metadump root@mark6-08> losetup -D ; losetup -a # Transplant XFS structure from intact disk onto wiped-disk raw content root@fxmanager> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ root@fxmanager> dd bs=512 if=apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw \ of=recovery-attempt.fs skip=2048 count=$((15627857919-2048+1)) status=progress conv=notrunc root@fxmanager> dd status=progress conv=notrunc bs=512 count=1024 \ seek=15627855872 if=/dev/zero of=recovery-attempt.fs # appends a bit of 0x00 padding root@fxmanager> losetup -v -o 0 /dev/loop0 recovery-attempt.fs root@fxmanager> xfs_mdrestore -g apex-module-disk2-intact.xfs_metadump /dev/loop0 2070 MB read root@fxmanager> mkdir cloop ; mount /dev/loop0 ./cloop/ -txfs -oro # success! oper@fxmanager> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ ; mkdir recovered_content oper@fxmanager> cp -anv ./cloop/data/*.vdif ./recovered_content/ oper@fxmanager> mkdir recovered_GMVA_slot2 oper@fxmanager> cp -anv ./cloop/data/*.vdif ./recovered_GMVA_slot2/ # Restore content: init the half-wiped partitions, restore Mk6 metadata root@mark6-08> mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb1 root@mark6-08> mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb2 root@mark6-08> mount /dev/sdb2 /tmp ; cp -av /mnt/disks/.meta/1/2/* /tmp; umount /tmp # Add GMVA_slot2 data from new disk from post-GMVA APEX visit # (though could also use ./recovered_GMVA_slot2/, but did not get to proceed # with the low-level recovery attempts until after the post-GMVA APEX visit :P) stop & start mk5daemon root@mark6-08> cp -anv /mnt/disks/3/1/GMVA_slot2_copy/* /mnt/disks/1/2/GMVA_slot2/ # Add 'data' files from restored image oper@mark6-08> cp -anv /data/gmva2024_2/recovered_contentcloop/data/*.vdif /mnt/disks/1/2/data/
Version from 10:49, 19 Dec 2024
# Make a low level backup of the wiped disk root@mark6-08> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ root@mark6-08> dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb of=apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw status=progress root@mark6-08> chmod a-w apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw root@mark6-08> fdisk -lu apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw # Start End Size Type Name 1 2048 15627857919 7.3T Microsoft basic MPIH%024_5 2 15627857920 15628052479 95M Microsoft basic MPIH%024_5m # Grab the XFS file system structure from an intact disk root@mark6-08> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ root@mark6-08> losetup --read-only -o $((512*2048)) /dev/loop1 /dev/sdc root@mark6-08> xfs_metadump -g -f -o -w -a /dev/loop1 apex-module-disk2-intact.xfs_metadump root@mark6-08> losetup -D ; losetup -a # Transplant XFS structure from intact disk onto wiped-disk raw content root@fxmanager> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ root@fxmanager> dd bs=512 if=apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw \ of=recovery-attempt.fs skip=2048 count=$((15627857919-2048+1)) status=progress conv=notrunc root@fxmanager> dd status=progress conv=notrunc bs=512 count=1024 \ seek=15627855872 if=/dev/zero of=recovery-attempt.fs # appends a bit of 0x00 padding root@fxmanager> losetup -v -o 0 /dev/loop0 recovery-attempt.fs root@fxmanager> xfs_mdrestore -g apex-module-disk2-intact.xfs_metadump /dev/loop0 2070 MB read root@fxmanager> mkdir cloop ; mount /dev/loop0 ./cloop/ -txfs -oro # success! oper@fxmanager> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ ; mkdir recovered_content oper@fxmanager> cp -anv ./cloop/data/*.vdif ./recovered_content/ oper@fxmanager> mkdir recovered_GMVA_slot2 oper@fxmanager> cp -anv ./cloop/data/*.vdif ./recovered_GMVA_slot2/ # Restore content: init the half-wiped partitions, restore Mk6 metadata root@mark6-08> mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb1 root@mark6-08> mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb2 root@mark6-08> mount /dev/sdb2 /tmp ; cp -av /mnt/disks/.meta/1/2/* /tmp; umount /tmp # Add GMVA_slot2 data from new disk from post-GMVA APEX visit # (though could also use ./recovered_GMVA_slot2/, but did not get to proceed # with the low-level recovery attempts until after the post-GMVA APEX visit :P) stop & start mk5daemon root@mark6-08> cp -anv /mnt/disks/3/1/GMVA_slot2_copy/* /mnt/disks/1/2/GMVA_slot2/ # Add 'data' files from restored image oper@mark6-08> cp -anv /data/gmva2024_2/cloop/data/*.vdif /mnt/disks/1/2/data/
Version as of 10:49, 19 Dec 2024
# Make a low level backup of the wiped disk root@mark6-08> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ root@mark6-08> dd bs=1M if=/dev/sdb of=apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw status=progress root@mark6-08> chmod a-w apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw root@mark6-08> fdisk -lu apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw # Start End Size Type Name 1 2048 15627857919 7.3T Microsoft basic MPIH%024_5 2 15627857920 15628052479 95M Microsoft basic MPIH%024_5m # Grab the XFS file system structure from an intact disk root@mark6-08> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ root@mark6-08> losetup --read-only -o $((512*2048)) /dev/loop1 /dev/sdc root@mark6-08> xfs_metadump -g -f -o -w -a /dev/loop1 apex-module-disk2-intact.xfs_metadump root@mark6-08> losetup -D ; losetup -a # Transplant XFS structure from intact disk onto wiped-disk raw content root@fxmanager> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ root@fxmanager> dd bs=512 if=apex-module-disk1-wiped.raw \ of=recovery-attempt.fs skip=2048 count=$((15627857919-2048+1)) status=progress conv=notrunc root@fxmanager> dd status=progress conv=notrunc bs=512 count=1024 \ seek=15627855872 if=/dev/zero of=recovery-attempt.fs # appends a bit of 0x00 padding root@fxmanager> losetup -v -o 0 /dev/loop0 recovery-attempt.fs root@fxmanager> xfs_mdrestore -g apex-module-disk2-intact.xfs_metadump /dev/loop0 2070 MB read root@fxmanager> mkdir cloop ; mount /dev/loop0 ./cloop/ -txfs -oro # success! oper@fxmanager> cd /data/gmva2024_2/ ; mkdir recovered_content oper@fxmanager> cp -anv ./cloop/data/*.vdif ./recovered_content/ oper@fxmanager> mkdir recovered_GMVA_slot2 oper@fxmanager> cp -anv ./cloop/data/*.vdif ./recovered_GMVA_slot2/ # Restore content: init the half-wiped partitions, restore Mk6 metadata root@mark6-08> mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb1 root@mark6-08> mkfs.xfs -f /dev/sdb2 root@mark6-08> mount /dev/sdb2 /tmp ; cp -av /mnt/disks/.meta/1/2/* /tmp; umount /tmp # Add GMVA_slot2 data from new disk from post-GMVA APEX visit # (though could also use ./recovered_GMVA_slot2/, but did not get to proceed # with the low-level recovery attempts until after the post-GMVA APEX visit :P) stop & start mk5daemon root@mark6-08> cp -anv /mnt/disks/3/1/GMVA_slot2_copy/* /mnt/disks/1/2/GMVA_slot2/ # Add 'data' files from restored image oper@mark6-08> cp -anv /data/gmva2024_2/recovered_content/*.vdif /mnt/disks/1/2/data/