System diagnostics & troubleshooting

    Table of contents


    • Check time synchronisation: In order to check whether the time synchronisation has worked open the PuTTY connection to the FiLA10G as described here. At the command prompt issue the command:

    This will show the current time stamps on the 1pps ticks. Compare this with the display of Salvador`s radio-controlled alarm clock.

    • Manual time synchronisation: When no GPS satellites are available it is neccessary to do a manual time synchronisation. Open a PuTTY connection to the FiLA10G as described here.  Get  Salvador`s radio-controlled alarm clock and choose a timestamp comfortably (e.g. 60s) in the future. At the command prompt type (but don`t hit enter yet):
    timesync yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss  (where yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss contains your chosen timestamp)

    Hit enter when the time on the alarm clock reaches your chosen timestamp

    Check the time synchronisation using the tick command (see above)


    • General: in case the Mark6 behaves unexpectedly it is a good idea to restart the cplane and dplane daemon. On the Mark6 machine in question issue the following command:

    After the daemons have been restarted you must

    • redefine any previously defined  input_streams
    • open the group for recording





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