Table of contents
get the latest version of the field system software from:
Login with proper user credentials (ask Salvador or Helge)
The latest stable version is in the dist directory
Installation of Field System
Log into mrt-vlbi as user prog:
cd / tar xzvf <fs-download-file>
This will unpack the code into /usr2/fs-<version> e.g. /usr2/fs-9.11.6
cd /usr2/fs-<version> make
This should build the field system without throwing errors.
Activation of the new version
The active version is selected via symbolic links to /usr2/fs, /usr2/st and /usr2/control. Always keep the previous version!
as user prog:
remove the old symbolic links:
cd /usr2 rm fs rm control rm st
copy control and st directories from the previous version:
cp -r control-<previousVersion> control-<newVersion> cp -r st-<previousVersion> control-<newVersion>
set new symbolic links to the new version:
ln -s fs-<newVersion> fs ln -s control-<newVersion> control ln -s st-<newVersion> st
Installation of the station code
as user prog:
cd /usr2/st make rmexe make rmdoto make
Testing new version
After installation has finished the field system computer needs to be rebooted.
Have a look at the release document (e.g. /usr27fs/misc/fs91118up.txt) to find out if changes are required e.g. to equip.ctl or other control files.
Start up the filed system as user oper:
No errors should be thrown.
Typical errors are related to new required parameters in the equip.ctl or other control files. In this case you can find templates of the new syntax of these files under /usr2/fs/st.default/control.
Also the proper functionality of the station code should be verified, e.g. issuing pvwget in the field system oprin console. Consult with Salvador for testing the station specific code.