DBBC3 system setup

    Version as of 02:41, 28 Jul 2024

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    • Check that 1pps cable is connected (backside)
    • Check that 10MHz signal is connected (backside)
    • Check that GPS signal is connected
    • Check that GPS antenna is installed close to the window and that GPS satellites have been found (see below)
    • Check that ethernet cables is connected (backside)
    • Check that IFs are connected with LCP and RCP cables as labeled on the backside
    • Check that optical fibre cables are connected to the Core3H boards inside the DBBC3 (for order see XXX).
    • Check that optical fibre cables are connected to the Mark6 ethernet ports as labeled on the cables.
    • Check that short cables connecting the pins "Out unfilt." "0-4 GHz In" on the backside are in place (see picture).


    • NOTE: System setup should be done a few hours ahead of the session to allow calibration to settle
    • Turn on main power switch (backside)
    • Power on the electronics ("EL switch" on the backside)
    • Wait at least one second before you proceed to the next step
    • Power in the PC ("PC switch" on the backside)
    • Frontside LEDs should look like this (XXX)

    Loading the firmware

    • Either connect keyboard and monitor to DBBC3 (backside) or use remote desktop application.
    • Log in as user "dbbc". For password contact Salvador/Helge
    • On the DBBC3 desktop double-click "DBBC Control" icon
    • Answer question "configure" with "y". Configuration will take 10-15 minutes. If firmware was already loaded you can answer "n" to proceed
    • If you answered "n" on the previous question you will be asked whether to initialize the ADB3L/Core3H". Answer "y". This will take around 5 minutes.
    • During initialization the LEDs on the front panel will change lighting. Check user manual to verify correct operations.

    Communicating with the DBBC

    • Communication with the DBBC3 can be done either by connecting a monitor/keyboard or by remote desktop.
    • Log in as user "dbbc". For password contact Salvador/Helge
    • Check that the control software is running and showing "waiting for connection on port 4000". See previous section.
    • On the DBBC3 desktop double-click "DBBCClient v4.exe" (exact name may change with new software versions).
    • Commands can be issued at the client prompt. See reference documentation for valid commands.

    Finishing setup

    • Set attenuation level of LO to 5 dB:
    synth=1, source 1
    synth=1, att 10
    synth=1, source 2
    synth=1, att 10
    synth=2, source 1
    synth=2, att 10
    synth=2, source 2
    synth=2, att 10
    • At the client prompt issue command to enable 2-bit sampling threshold calibration:
    • issue command to start auto-calibration:

    System verification

    • At the client prompt issue:

    The reply contains timestamps from each of the Core3H boards.Check that each time stamp is correct (date and time). Note that the seconds could differ from the current time due to response delay.

    • At the client prompt issue:
    core3hstats=1  (where 1 is the board number)

    This command should be issued for all the boards with a connected IF. The reply has three section. Check each section:

    1) Core3H Power: the 4 values returned should be equal within 1%.

    2) Bstat: For each sampler the levels displayed should be symmetric around (18% / 32% / 32% / 18%). Deviations of about 1-2% are tolerable.

    3) Core3H Corr.: Returned values should be above 200.000.000.

    Note: if any of these criteria are violated get in contact with Sven