Table of contents
- 1. Prerequists
- 2. Procedure
- Go through the setup instructions and verify that the system is up and running.
- Prepare the Mark6 machines (pv-mark6-1 and pv-mark6-2) for recording. Instructions.
- Download the vex-schedules (typically found on the EHT wiki) and copy them to /home/oper/vex on pv-mark6-1 and pv-mark6-2.
- Log-into pv-mark6-1 as user oper
cd /home/oper/vex -f {vex-file} -s {code}
NOTE: the two letter code given as {code} must match exactly (case-sensitive!) the code assigned to Pico by the vex file. Normally it is PV. If in doubt open the vex-file and check the $STATION section.
This will create an output file named like the vex file but with an .xml extension (hereafter {schedule.xml})
Open the created {schedule.xml} file and verify that it has one entry for each scan that Pico should be observing. If it is empty check again the two letter station code you have given in the last step.
On pv-mark6-1:
- Repeat the last step on pv-mark6-2
- Start the schedules:
cd /home/oper/vex r2dbe-1 {schedule.xml}
On pv-mark6-2:
cd /home/oper/vex r2dbe-2 {schedule.xml}