Observations: GMVA standard mode 4Gbps (DBBC2 Mark6) Redirected from 01VLBI Group/Projects/VLBI - PV Support/Observations: GMVA standard mode (Mark6)


    • Go through the system-setup and make sure the system is operational.
    • Setup should be done in DDC mode (minimum version: 107)
    • Make sure the Field System is configured for DBBC2 in DDC mode (see: instructions)
    • Assumption: Fibre cable is connecting the FiLA10G to eth4 recorder1
    • A single module is loaded and connected into slot 1 of recorder1
    • Make sure you have loaded the correct module intended for recording the GMVA session

    FiLA10G Setup

    • On the DBBC2 desktop double-click the icon labeled "fila10g_GMVAMode_Mark6.bat". This will setup the FiLA10G for recording on the Mark6 and will do the time-synchronisation. (The icon is a shortcut  to the following file: C:\DBBC\bin\fila10g_GMVAMode_Mark6.bat).


    • Confirm settings. In the terminal window that has opened the last page lists the output of the sysstat command. Inspect the output; in particular check that VDIF timesync is showing "yes" and "Output" is showing "started" (see image below).


    • Confirm the time synchronisation as described here.

    Mark6 module initialization

    • Skip this section if there is already recorded data on the module! The following steps will delete all data on the module!
    • log-into recorder1 as user oper: ssh recorder1
    • execute: da-client
    • in da-client:
      mod_init=1:8:{VSN}:sg:new           replace    {VSN} with VSN as indicated on the module label

    Mark6 setup

    • log-into recorder1:     ssh recorder1 -l oper -X
    • execute:     m6service_restart
    • execute:     da-client
    • in da-client:

    make sure the group is NOT in "open" state. If it is in "open" state you must first do:


    Otherwise continue with:


    The last statement should report the group to be in open:ready state, e.g.:


    Loading/starting the schedule

    • log-into recorder1 as user oper: ssh recorder1 -l oper -X
    • Download/copy the vex file into the directory: /home/oper/shared/schedules
    • Translate the vex-file
    cd /home/oper/shared/schedules
    vex2xml.py -f {vexfile} -s PV
    • Check the contents of the produced xml-file. It should not be empty and contain several scan entries, similar to this:
    <experiment name="a90xx" station="PV" start="2015090003000"  end="2015090032200">
            <scan experiment="a90xx" source="3C279" station_code="PV" start_time="2015090003000" duration="420" scan_name="090-0030"/>
            <scan experiment="a90xx" source="3C279" station_code="PV" start_time="2015090004500" duration="420"
            <scan experiment="a90xx" source="3C279" station_code="PV" start_time="2015090031500" duration="420" scan_name="090-0315"/>

    NOTE: If the file is empty check that the station code given in the vex2xml.py command matches the station code for Pico Veleta of the vex-file.

    • Start the schedule
      • Method 1 (prefered):
    ssh recorder1
    cd /home/oper/shared/schedules
    start_gmva.py {xmlfile}

    where {xmlfile} is the xml-file produced by vex2xml.py (see above).

    The script will start the schedule and in the scan gaps will display graphical information about the 16 PFB channels (bandpasses, and 2-bit statistics). The output is also stored in text-format under /home/oper/GMVA/{code}.

    • Method 2 (backup):
    M6_CC -f {xmlfile}

    where {xmlfile} is the xml-file produced by vex2xml.py (see above)

    Field system

    • log-into mrt-vlbi as user oper
    • Download/copy the vex file into the directory: /usr2/sched
    • run the vex file through drudg
    • if not already running start the field system (click on the "field system icon" on the desktop)
    • in the oprin window issue the command:
    schedule={vexname}pv     (where vexname denotes the basename of the vex file: e.g. c171a)

    End of session / Module change

    When the session has ended or when a new module needs to be inserted:

    • in da-client:

    turn the module key off and remove the module.

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