1st GTG Meeting Madrid February 8th, 2016


    1. Local Arrangements/Opening Remarks (Colomer, Vicente)
    2. GMVA Technical Group (GTG) constitution
      • overview of the GMVA. Purpose/mission of the GMVA Technical Group (Alef)
      • discuss and agree on GTG statutes, meeting cadence etc. (all GMVA)
      • appoint the GTG chair
    3. GMVA observations & operations
      • Overview of observation preparation and operations e.g. pre-checks, DBBC2 news, FS news etc. (Bach)
      • Overview support infrastructure,: FTP servers, web pages, mailing lists etc. (Rottmann)
      • Discussion session (all)
        • standardization of operational procedure
        • fringe check procedure
        • DBBC2 PFB mode, PFB firmware version
        • FS schedule generation for PFB modes
        • log file contents
        • station session logs
        • additional topics
    4. GMVA calibration
      • Station reports on the current amplitude calibration strategy (every GMVA station 5-10 min)
      • Discussion session (all)
        • necessary steps to improve the calibration quality
        • Tsys extraction in real-time
        • opacity issues
        • antab file generation
        • calibration quality control at the correlator
        • additional topics
    5. ALMA and GMVA
      • Overview of the current state, ALMA commissioning and GMVA-ALMA tests (Rottmann, Alef)
      • Discussion session (all)
        • implications on GMVA operations
        • additional topics
    6. AOB / closing remarks

    Action Items


    1. Rottmann, de Vicente: take a look at Yb DBBC configuration (investigate amplitude drop)
      • Done. Setup was verified to be correct. Observed problems were probably due to bug in the DBBC2 PFB control software.
    2. All: Form small group to compile a pre-check list.
      • Not done. Action item bumped to the updated list from the 2nd GTG meeting.
    3. MPIFR correlator: GMVA correlation reports should be made available online.
    4. MPIfR correlator: Investigate possible PV phase jumps
    • Done.  Phase jumps did not appear in the follow up session. Problems were possibly related to defective power supply in the PV DBBC2 which eventually failed in autumn 2016
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