5th GTG Meeting (online)

    Meeting page:


    Agenda,  Feb 9th, 2022


    Meeting starts 9:30 CEST (8:30 UT),

    1. Opening Remarks (Rottmann)
    2. Approval & last minute additions to Agenda (all)
    3. Review of Action Items from last meeting (all; see below)
    4. Report of the GMVA scheduler (Ros)
    5. Correlator Report (Pidopryhora)
    6. Station updates
    7. Open discussion
    • High bandwidth sub-arrays (16 Gbps, 64 Gbps)
    • Multi-band observations
    • AOB


    Yurii Pidopryhora, MPIfR, "GMVA correlations in 2018 – 2022 (sessions c182 – c212)": YP_GTG_Feb2022.pdf


    Action Items

    New action items

    1. (Ros, Rottmann): estimate media requirement for the upcoming session (c221).
    2. (Gonzales, Kallunki, Krichbaum): Investigate possibilities to increase preob for some stations.
    3. (): Investigate implications of putting calibration into postob. Hot/Cold calibration exceeds preob time

    Remaining action Items from the previous meeting

    1. (Gonzales): put scripts for tau calculation on github.
    2. (Krichbaum, Correlator): investigate how feedback between PIs, correlator and stations can be improved
    3. (Pidopryhora): Talk with Blanchard about Grafana usage for GMVA.
    4. (Pidopryhora): Organize GMVA test in Jan/Feb 2019 (see minutes for details)
    5. (Pidopryhora, JIVE): Investigate BHC tool for online fringe checks
    6. (Campbell, JIVE): write requirement document for Mark6 media usage during globals.
    7. (Rottmann, Sanchez): Build flexbuf capabilities at PV after bandwidth upgrade.
    8. (Jung, Rottmann): Organize Mark6 shipment to KVN for next session.
    9. (Brisken): investigate possibilty for a meeting in Soccorro.
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