Observations: GMVA standard mode 4Gbps (DBBC2 Mark6)

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    Version as of 02:53, 28 Jul 2024

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    • Go through the system-setup and make sure the system is operational.

    FiLA10G Setup

    • On the DBBC2 desktop double-click the icon labeled "fila10g_GMVAMode_Mark6.bat". This will setup the FiLA10G for recording on the Mark6 and will do the time-synchronisation. (The icon is a shortcut  to the following file: C:\DBBC\bin\fila10g_GMVAMode_Mark6.bat).



    • Confirm settings. In the terminal window that has opened the last page will list the output of the sysstat command. Inspect the output; in particular  check that MK5 timesync is showing "yes" and "Output" is showing "started" (see image below).
