DBBC2 Test - Dec 2016

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    During the c162 GMVA campaign PV did not have fringes for unknown reasons. Several tests have been scheduled in DEc 2016 to verify the VLBI system at PV.

    Phase Noise

    The IF  signal (containing a line at 740 MHz) was fed to the phase noise measurement box which showed a phase jitter of around 30° in both polarizations. This is the value typically observed at PV at 3mm.


    0-Baseline test using injected line at frontend

    0-baseline test using injected tone into the IF

    A tone was inserted into the IF noise using the frequency generator. The IF was split and fed into both core boards of the DBBC2 and recorded on the Mark5B+.

    The DBBC2 was running the PFB V16 firmware and the channel selection was done following the normal GMVA setup:


    Tone injection at 856MHz so it should appear in the lowest (v1-5 and p-5) band:


    vlbi2 output plot confirms the correct position of the tone.