FS: Enable AutoFTP

    Enable autoFTP from the Field System

    Install NCFTP on the recorder machine

    Log into the Mark5 machine as user root

    apt-get install ncftp
    Enable autoftp in the Field System configuration

    On the Field System computer  (as user prog) go to /usr2/control

    edit sked.ctl and make sure that it contains the following uncommented line

    AutoFTP ON

    optionally you can also uncomment the disk2file_Dir directive to specify a special path under which the
    extracted file gets stored. This path must exist on the Mark5 recorder! If you leave this line commented out the files get stored in /home/oper by default.


    disk2file_Dir /data
    Install autoftp script

    On the Field System computer  (as user prog) go to /usr2/st/autoftp

    If the script does not exist you can download it here.

    Edit the autoftp perl script and change the contents of the following variables:


    Replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with the IP adress of your Mark5 recorder

    Then run:

    Allow passwordless login from Field System computer to Mark5 recorder

    Try to log-in from the Field System machine to the Mark5 recorder as user oper. If prompted for a password do the following:

    on the Field System computer go to /home/oper/.ssh

    a) If  a public key exists (typically named id_rsa.pub) copy it to the Mark5 recorder

    scp id_rsa.pub oper@MARK5B:/home/oper/.ssh

    log-into the mark5 recorder as user oper an go to /home/oper/.ssh

    cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys

    b) if no public key exists

    on the Field System machine as user oper:


    use default ouput path, don't use passphrase.

    Then follow instructions described under a)

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