Shutting down DE601 and transfer to ILT Mode

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    Shutdown and tansfer to ILT

    Log into the interface computer (lofarx)


    ssh -X observer@lofarx


    Set up SSH stuff with the following commands


    ssh-agent /bin/tcsh -l


    You will need the password for the observer account.

    Log into the DE601 LCU


    ssh -X de601c


    Check that no-one else is on the station




    If there is more than one login active (you), then check who else is logged into the station. 

    If another "user9" is logged in then contact the observers and tell them to log out.

    Check software level (should be 0)

    Kill all existing beams:




    If not in software level 0, bring it down:

    swlevel 0


    Verify that no station processes are running.  A report of swlevel 0 from the swlevel program does not necessarity mean that everything is stopped.

    ps -AF

    If there are more "user9" processes running than your own, please ask the observers to stop them or kill them yourself.