Table of contents
- 1. Help Listing
Help Listing
[user9@DE601C StationConfigs]$ beamctl --help
log4cplus:ERROR Unable to open file: /opt/lofar/var/log/beamctl.log
log4cplus:ERROR Unable to open file: /opt/lofar/var/log/beamctl.log
Usage: beamctl <rcuspec> <dataspec> <digpointing> [<digpointing> ...] FOR LBA ANTENNAS
beamctl <rcuspec> <anapointing> [<anapointing> ...] [<dataspec> <digpointing> [<digpointing> ...]] FOR HBA ANTENNAS
beamctl --calinfo
<rcuspec> = --antennaset [--rcus] --rcumode
<dataspec> = --subbands --beamlets
<digpointing> = --digdir
<anapointing> = --anadir
with option arguments:
--antennaset=name # name of the antenna (sub)field the RCU's are part of
--rcus=<set> # optional subselection of RCU's
--rcumode=0..7 # RCU mode to use (may not conflict with antennaset
--subbands=<set> # set of subbands to use for this beam
--beamlets=<list> # list of beamlets on which to allocate the subbands
# beamlet range = 0..247 when Serdes splitter is OFF
# beamlet range = 0..247 + 1000..1247 when Serdes splitter is ON
# lon,lat are floating point values specified in radians
# type is SKYSCAN or olmost any other coordinate system
# SKYSCAN will scan the sky with a L x M grid in the (l,m) plane
# direction of the analogue HBA beam
--help # print this usage
The order of the arguments is trivial.
This utility connects to the CalServer to activate the antennas in set --antennaSet
containing the selected RCU's. The CalServer sets those RCU's in the mode
specified by --rcumode. Another connection is made to the BeamServer to create a
beam on the selected antennafield pointing in the direction specified with --digdir.