5.4 TelCal Phase solver


    People involved

    • Leader and Software: Helge Rottmann
    • Administration and Algorithms: Walter Alef
    • Software: James Anderson
    • Software and Algorithms: Alan Roy


    Read and comment (?) on draft by Rich. To be found here.

    Phasing algorithm

    White paper (Read and improve)

    Presentation by Robert

    APP_Delays.pdf (Preliminary)

    Source modeler design notes

    General TelCal information


    Update to TelCal Design (APP specific): ALMA-

    TelCal Design Document (original prior to APP design): COMP-

    TelCal Interface Control Document (ICD):  COMP-

    Telcal Presentation given by Dominique in Grenoble

    TELCAL wiki

    Minutes of the APP meeting in Bonn 20.2.13 in Bonn can be found at http://almasw.hq.eso.org/almasw/bin/...sionBonn022013 and here in particular the phasing plan.

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