LuMP version 2.0

    LuMP version 2.0 is in beta testing

    2013 Aug 09




    Setting Up the Environment

    On the lofarXN computers at Effelsberg, using a bash shell, do

    source /opt/lump/lump_2.0/
    The setup commands for (t)csh are not yet ready, but should become available soon (less than 1 week).


    Note that the LuMP 2.0 compatible dspsr is not yet installed on the lofarXN recording computers at Effelsberg.



    Quick Overview

    From lofarb1, the following command works for recording LOFAR pulsar data in the LuMP1 format:

  --port=4346 --clock_speed=200 --beamlets_per_lane=122 --datadir=. --data_type_in=L_intComplex16_t --station_name=Ef --writer_type=LuMP1 --filename_base=test_out --physical_beamlet_array='[0:122]' --subband_array='[12:134]' --rcumode_array='[5]*122' --rightascension_array='[0.929337]*122' --declination_array='[0.952579]*122' --epoch_array='[J2000]*122' --sourcename_array='[B0329+54]*122' --duration=10


    The important parts are:

    • --port   give the port numer to listen to
    • --beamlets_per_lane  sets the beamlets per lane coming out of the LOFAR station.  This should be 61 for the 16 bit mode, 122 for the 8 bit mode, and 244 for the 4 bit mode
    • --data_type_in  specify the type of data coming out of the station.  This should be L_intComplex32_t  for the 16 bit mode, L_intComplex16_t for the 8 bit mode, and L_intComplex8_t for the 4 bit mode.
    • --station_name  which station is being recorded
    • --writer_type  specify the type of writer format to use.  LuMP0 for the original LuMP format (one file per beamlet).   LuMP1 for the new LuMP format (multiple beamlets per subband --- requires an updated dspsr to process).
    • --filename_base  base of the filenames that are generated for writing data
    • --physical_beamlet_array  the physical beamlets being recorded
    • --subband_array  the subbands used for the corresponding beamlets
    • --rcumode_array the rcumodes for the corresponding beamlets (note that different rcumodes are possible for different beamlets at the same time)
    • --rightascension_array the right ascension values (in radians) for the corresponding beamlets
    • --declination_array the declination values (in radians) for the corresponding beamlets
    • --epoch_array the epoch names (usually J2000 or SUN) for the corresponding beamlets
    • --sourcename_array the name of the target source for each corresponding beamlet
    • --duration the duration of the recording, in seconds


    The start time may be specified with

    • --start_date  in the format  YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ

    Detailed Option Help --help
    usage: [-h] [--start_date START_DATE] --duration
                                  DURATION --port PORT --station_name STATION_NAME
                                  --datadir DATADIR [--data_type_in DATA_TYPE_IN]
                                  [--clock_speed {200,160,0}]
                                  [--beamlets_per_lane BEAMLETS_PER_LANE]
                                  [--samples_per_packet SAMPLES_PER_PACKET]
                                  [--main_recorder_logfile MAIN_RECORDER_LOGFILE]
                                  [--recorder_num_cores RECORDER_NUM_CORES]
                                  [--recorder_cache_size RECORDER_CACHE_SIZE]
                                  [--recorder_ram_size RECORDER_RAM_SIZE]
                                  [--writer_type WRITER_TYPE] --filename_base
                                  FILENAME_BASE --physical_beamlet_array
                                  PHYSICAL_BEAMLET_ARRAY --subband_array
                                  SUBBAND_ARRAY --rcumode_array RCUMODE_ARRAY
                                  --rightascension_array RIGHTASCENSION_ARRAY
                                  --declination_array DECLINATION_ARRAY
                                  --epoch_array EPOCH_ARRAY --sourcename_array
                                  [--data_type_process DATA_TYPE_PROCESS]
                                  [--data_type_out DATA_TYPE_OUT]
                                  [--num_output_channels NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS]
                                  [--num_polyphase_filter_taps NUM_POLYPHASE_FILTER_TAPS]
                                  [--window_function WINDOW_FUNCTION]
                                  [--window_parameter WINDOW_PARAMETER]
                                  [--integration_time INTEGRATION_TIME]
                                  [--scale_by_inverse_samples {0,1}]
                                  [--extra_scale_factor EXTRA_SCALE_FACTOR]
                                  [--bounds_check_output {0,1}]
                                  [--extra_string_option_0 EXTRA_STRING_OPTION_0]
                                  [--extra_string_option_1 EXTRA_STRING_OPTION_1]
                                  [--extra_string_option_2 EXTRA_STRING_OPTION_2]
                                  [--extra_string_option_3 EXTRA_STRING_OPTION_3]
                                  [--extra_string_option_4 EXTRA_STRING_OPTION_4]
                                  [--verbose] [--echo_only] [--stdin] [--version]

    Python program to run for basic LuMP
    output mode operation on a single LOFAR recording computer.

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --start_date START_DATE
                            *OPTIONAL* The date and time to begin recording, as a
                            UTC ISO date string of the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ
                            or as a hexadecimal number representing the integer
                            Unix timestamp in seconds since the reference epoch
                            1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 (UTC).
      --duration DURATION   *REQUIRED* Duration of measurment to listen to the
                            station, in seconds. Note that this is the duration
                            from the start_date, so if recording begins late, the
                            actual recorded duration will be smaller.
      --port PORT           *REQUIRED* Port number to listen to for incoming data
                            from a LOFAR station. Normally, this should be a
                            decimal number. When reading from a file (raw UDP
                            dump), this should be the filename, including any
                            necessary path, of the input file, preceded by FILE:.
                            For example, if your filename is
                            ./MYDIR/somedir/myfile.raw then you would specify this
                            as --port=FILE:./MYDIR/somedir/myfile.raw in the
                            argument list. If the port specification starts with
                            UDP: then UDP network data are read from the port
                            number following the UDP: key. TCP: specifies that the
                            TCP protocol is to be used. The value - specifies that
                            the program should read from stdin. By default, the
                            program will use UDP access.
      --station_name STATION_NAME
                            *REQUIRED* Name of the LOFAR station to record data
                            from. This should be of the type DE601, Ef, or EfDE601
      --datadir DATADIR     *REQUIRED* Name of the directory of the main data
                            recording area into which this recording will be
                            written. For example, suppose that the main data
                            recording area is '/media/scratch/observer', your name
                            is 'Astronomer', and you are observing on 2010 Dec 25.
                            You want all of the data to be recorded to your own
                            specific directory area, to not be confused with other
                            people's data, and you want to sort things by the date
                            of observation. Then you would set --datadir to
                            '/media/scratch/observer/Astronomer/20101225'. A
                            relative path name may be specified. The datadir '.'
                            may also be specified.
      --data_type_in DATA_TYPE_IN
                            *OPTIONAL* data type of station beamforemd data.
                            Defaults to 26. Available options are: 7=L_int8_t (8
                            bit integer), 10=L_int16_t (16 bit integer),
                            11=L_int32_t (32 bit integer), 12=L_int64_t (64 bit
                            integer), 14=L_Real16_t (half precision floating
                            point), 15=L_Real32_t (single precision floating
                            point), 16=L_Real64_t (double precision floating
                            point), 17=L_Real80_t (80 bit extended precision
                            precision floating point), 18=L_Real128_t (quad
                            precision floating point), 19=L_Complex32_t (half
                            precision complex floating point, two L_Real16_t
                            values), 20=L_Complex64_t (single precision complex
                            floating point, two L_Real32_t values),
                            21=L_Complex128_t (double precision complex floating
                            point, two L_Real64_t values), 22=L_Complex160_t
                            (extended precision complex floating point, two
                            L_Real80_t values), 23=L_Complex256_t (quad precision
                            complex floating point, two L_Real128_t values),
                            24=L_intComplex8_t (complex integer, two L_int4_t
                            values, LOFAR 4 bit mode), 25=L_intComplex16_t
                            (complex integer, two L_int8_t values, LOFAR 8 bit
                            mode), 26=L_intComplex32_t (complex integer, two
                            L_int16_t values, LOFAR 16 bit mode),
                            27=L_intComplex64_t (complex integer, two L_int32_t
                            values), 27=L_intComplex128_t (complex integer, two
                            L_int64_t values)
      --clock_speed {200,160,0}
                            Clock speed of station, in MHz. Defaults to 200
      --beamlets_per_lane BEAMLETS_PER_LANE
                            *OPTIONAL* number of beamlets per RSP lane sent out by
                            the station. Defaults to 61
      --samples_per_packet SAMPLES_PER_PACKET
                            *OPTIONAL* number of samples per packet sent out by
                            the station. Defaults to 16
      --main_recorder_logfile MAIN_RECORDER_LOGFILE
                            Name of the logfile to write out for the main recorder
                            program. Defaults to
      --recorder_num_cores RECORDER_NUM_CORES
                            *OPTIONAL* number of CPU cores to use for LuMP
                            recording. If 0 is specified, the software will
                            attempt to determine the number of cores available on
                            the recording computer and use all of them. Also note
                            that this only specifies the number of cores used by
                            the LuMP recording software itself --- CPU utilization
                            by downstream software that may be started by LuMP
                            (dspsr, for example) must be specified in the option
                            arguments to that software separately. Defaults to 0
      --recorder_cache_size RECORDER_CACHE_SIZE
                            *OPTIONAL* size of the CPU cache, in bytes. This is
                            the size of the full cache per CPU (typically L3
                            cache), as reported by the 'cache size' listing in
                            /proc/cpuinfo. If specified as 0, LuMP will attempt to
                            determine this information automatically. Defaults to
      --recorder_ram_size RECORDER_RAM_SIZE
                            *OPTIONAL* size of the RAM available for LuMP to use,
                            in bytes. If specified as 0, LuMP will attempt to
                            determine the amount of RAM available on the computer
                            and assume it can use all of that. Default 0
      --writer_type WRITER_TYPE
                            *OPTIONAL* The enum code of the writer type to use.
                            Defaults to LuMP0. Available options are: 1=RAW (raw
                            voltages, separate files for each beamlet, for ALL
                            beamlets from the RSP board, for each polarization)
                            @@single_thread, 2=RAW0 (raw voltages, one data file
                            with ALL beamlets from the RSP board, all
                            polarizations) @@single_thread, 3=RAW1 (raw voltages,
                            separate files for each beamlet, for selected beamlets
                            from the RSP boardfor each polarization)
                            @@multi_thread, 5=POWER0 (power measuremnts integrated
                            over time, one data file containing the selected
                            beamlets and full polarization information)
                            @@multi_thread, 6=LuMP0 (raw voltage data for selected
                            beamlets in the LuMP output format, full polarization
                            information) @@multi_thread, 7=FFT0 (channelized
                            voltage data using an FFT, single data file for
                            selected beamlets, full polarization) @@multi_thread,
                            8=PFB0 (channelized voltage data using a polyphase
                            filterbank, single data file for selected beamlets,
                            full polarization) @@multi_thread, 9=POWER_FFT0
                            (channelized power measurements integrated over time
                            using an FFT, single data file for selected beamlets,
                            full polarization) @@multi_thread, 10=POWER_PFB0
                            (channelized power measurements integrated over time
                            using a polyphase filterbank, single data file for
                            selected beamlets, full polarization) @@multi_thread,
                            11=LuMP1 (raw voltage data for selected beamlets in
                            the LuMP output format, full polarization information,
                            single output file for all selected beamlets)
                            @@single_thread, 12=VDIF0 (raw voltage data in the
                            VDIF 2 format, a single data file is written for all
                            selected beamlets, with different threads for
                            different beamlets) @@single_thread,
      --filename_base FILENAME_BASE
                            *REQUIRED* base string from which the output file
                            names will be generated. Note that this base filename
                            will be extended by a 2 digit hexadecimal number
                            indicating the writer ID number used to write out the
                            data ( filename_base="%s.%2.2X"%(filename_base,ID) ).
      --physical_beamlet_array PHYSICAL_BEAMLET_ARRAY
                            *REQUIRED* Python-like array of the physical beamlets
                            to use for this writer. A combination of individual
                            physical beamlets and Python ranges may be used, such
                            as '[0,1,4,7,10:31,60:62]'. Ranges must have both
                            start and end specified as start:end. Note that the
                            notation here is a Python notation for the ranges
                            (start, start+1,start+2,...,end-1), which is different
                            from the ASTRON LOFAR station software.
      --subband_array SUBBAND_ARRAY
                            *REQUIRED* Python array of the subbands corresponding
                            to the beamlets. A combination of individual physical
                            subbands and Python ranges may be used, such as
                            '[100,101,104,107,110:131,160:162]'. Ranges must have
                            both start and end specified as start:end. Note that
                            the notation here is a Python notation for the ranges
                            (start, start+1,start+2,...,end-1), which is different
                            from the ASTRON LOFAR station software. Python-style
                            array multipliers may be used to repeat subband
                            selections, such as when multiple pointing directions
                            use the same observing frequencies. For example,
                            '[0:2]*3' is equivalent to '[0,1,0,1,0,1]'. The
                            PHYSICAL_BEAMLET_ARRAY and SUBBAND_ARRAY should match
                            beamlet to subband at the same index.
      --rcumode_array RCUMODE_ARRAY
                            *REQUIRED* Python array of the RCUMODEs corresponding
                            to the beamlets. Python-style array multipliers are
                            allowed, simplifying the standard case where all
                            beamlets have the same RCUMODE. For example, '[5]*244'
                            yields an array of RCUMODE values that is 244 elements
                            long, all with RCUMODE==5. Alternatively, individual
                            RCUMODE values may be specified in the standard Python
                            array syntax, such as '[5,5,5,5,6,6,7,7]'. Ranges may
                            also be specified as start:end. Note that the notation
                            here is a Python notation for the ranges (start,
                            start+1,start+2,...,end-1), which is different from
                            the ASTRON LOFAR station software. The
                            PHYSICAL_BEAMLET_ARRAY and RCUMODE_ARRAY should match
                            beamlet to RCUMODE at the same index.
      --rightascension_array RIGHTASCENSION_ARRAY
                            *REQUIRED* Python array of the right ascensions (or
                            other coordinate if the Epoch is not J2000)
                            corresponding to the beamlets. *Note that the right
                            ascension is to be provided in units of radians, as it
                            is specified to the LOFAR beamctl program.* Python-
                            style array multipliers are allowed, simplifying the
                            standard case where all beamlets have the same
                            pointing direction. For example, '[1.23456789]*244'
                            yields an array of right ascension values that is 244
                            elements long, all with rightascension==1.23456789.
                            Alternatively, individual right ascension values may
                            be specified in the standard Python array syntax, such
                            as '[1,1,1,1,2,2,3,3]'. The PHYSICAL_BEAMLET_ARRAY and
                            RIGHTASCENSION_ARRAY should match beamlet to right
                            ascension at the same index.
      --declination_array DECLINATION_ARRAY
                            *REQUIRED* Python array of the declinations (or other
                            coordinate if the Epoch is not J2000) corresponding to
                            the beamlets. *Note that the declination is to be
                            provided in units of radians, as it is specified to
                            the LOFAR beamctl program.* Python-style array
                            multipliers are allowed, simplifying the standard case
                            where all beamlets have the same pointing direction.
                            For example, '[1.23456789]*244' yields an array of
                            declination values that is 244 elements long, all with
                            declination==1.23456789. Alternatively, individual
                            declination values may be specified in the standard
                            Python array syntax, such as
                            '[0,0,0,0,0.5,0.5,1.0,1.0]'. The
                            PHYSICAL_BEAMLET_ARRAY and DECLINATION_ARRAY should
                            match beamlet to declination at the same index.
      --epoch_array EPOCH_ARRAY
                            *REQUIRED* Python array of the epochs (or other
                            coordinate system identifiers) corresponding to the
                            beamlets. Python-style array multipliers are allowed,
                            simplifying the standard case where all beamlets have
                            the same pointing epoch. For example, '[J2000]*244'
                            yields an array of epoch values that is 244 elements
                            long, all with epoch==J2000. Note that the epoch
                            values do not require string quotation marks.
                            Alternatively, individual epoch values may be
                            specified in the standard Python array syntax, such as
                            '[J2000,J2000,HADEC, AZELGEO, SUN,MOON]'. The
                            PHYSICAL_BEAMLET_ARRAY and EPOCH_ARRAY should match
                            beamlet to epoch at the same index.
      --sourcename_array SOURCENAME_ARRAY
                            *REQUIRED* Python array of the source names
                            corresponding to the beamlets. Python-style array
                            multipliers are allowed, simplifying the standard case
                            where all beamlets have the same source name. For
                            example, '[Cas A]*244' yields an array of epoch values
                            that is 244 elements long, all with sourcename==Cas A.
                            Note that the source name values do not require string
                            quotation marks. Alternatively, individual source name
                            values may be specified in the standard Python array
                            syntax, such as '[Cas A, Cas A, Cyg A, Cyg A, Hydra
                            A]'. Note that leading and trailing whitespace will be
                            removed. The PHYSICAL_BEAMLET_ARRAY and
                            SOURCENMAE_ARRAY should match beamlet to source name
                            at the same index.
      --data_type_process DATA_TYPE_PROCESS
                            *OPTIONAL* Data type for internal processing. Defaults
                            to L_intComplex32_t. Available options are: 7=L_int8_t
                            (8 bit integer), 10=L_int16_t (16 bit integer),
                            11=L_int32_t (32 bit integer), 12=L_int64_t (64 bit
                            integer), 14=L_Real16_t (half precision floating
                            point), 15=L_Real32_t (single precision floating
                            point), 16=L_Real64_t (double precision floating
                            point), 17=L_Real80_t (80 bit extended precision
                            precision floating point), 18=L_Real128_t (quad
                            precision floating point), 19=L_Complex32_t (half
                            precision complex floating point, two L_Real16_t
                            values), 20=L_Complex64_t (single precision complex
                            floating point, two L_Real32_t values),
                            21=L_Complex128_t (double precision complex floating
                            point, two L_Real64_t values), 22=L_Complex160_t
                            (extended precision complex floating point, two
                            L_Real80_t values), 23=L_Complex256_t (quad precision
                            complex floating point, two L_Real128_t values),
                            24=L_intComplex8_t (complex integer, two L_int4_t
                            values, LOFAR 4 bit mode), 25=L_intComplex16_t
                            (complex integer, two L_int8_t values, LOFAR 8 bit
                            mode), 26=L_intComplex32_t (complex integer, two
                            L_int16_t values, LOFAR 16 bit mode),
                            27=L_intComplex64_t (complex integer, two L_int32_t
                            values), 27=L_intComplex128_t (complex integer, two
                            L_int64_t values)
      --data_type_out DATA_TYPE_OUT
                            *OPTIONAL* Data type for output to disk. Defaults to
                            L_intComplex32_t. Available options are: 7=L_int8_t (8
                            bit integer), 10=L_int16_t (16 bit integer),
                            11=L_int32_t (32 bit integer), 12=L_int64_t (64 bit
                            integer), 14=L_Real16_t (half precision floating
                            point), 15=L_Real32_t (single precision floating
                            point), 16=L_Real64_t (double precision floating
                            point), 17=L_Real80_t (80 bit extended precision
                            precision floating point), 18=L_Real128_t (quad
                            precision floating point), 19=L_Complex32_t (half
                            precision complex floating point, two L_Real16_t
                            values), 20=L_Complex64_t (single precision complex
                            floating point, two L_Real32_t values),
                            21=L_Complex128_t (double precision complex floating
                            point, two L_Real64_t values), 22=L_Complex160_t
                            (extended precision complex floating point, two
                            L_Real80_t values), 23=L_Complex256_t (quad precision
                            complex floating point, two L_Real128_t values),
                            24=L_intComplex8_t (complex integer, two L_int4_t
                            values, LOFAR 4 bit mode), 25=L_intComplex16_t
                            (complex integer, two L_int8_t values, LOFAR 8 bit
                            mode), 26=L_intComplex32_t (complex integer, two
                            L_int16_t values, LOFAR 16 bit mode),
                            27=L_intComplex64_t (complex integer, two L_int32_t
                            values), 27=L_intComplex128_t (complex integer, two
                            L_int64_t values)
      --num_output_channels NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS
                            *OPTIONAL* Number of output channels to make per
                            subband. Default is 1
      --num_polyphase_filter_taps NUM_POLYPHASE_FILTER_TAPS
                            *OPTIONAL* Number of polyphase filter taps to use.
                            Default is 1
      --window_function WINDOW_FUNCTION
                            *OPTIONAL* Type of window function to use. Defaults to
                            0. Available options are: 0=Rectangular 1=Hann
                            2=Hamming 3=Tukey 4=Cosine 5=Lanczos 6=Barlett0
                            7=BarlettN0 8=Gaussian 9=Bartlett_Hann 10=Blackman
                            11=Kaiser 12=Nuttall 13=Blackman_Harris
                            14=Blackman_Nuttall 15=Flat_Top
      --window_parameter WINDOW_PARAMETER
                            *OPTIONAL* Extra parameter for specific window
                            functions. Defaults to 0.000000E+00.
      --integration_time INTEGRATION_TIME
                            *OPTIONAL* The integration time, in seconds, for
                            averaging the total power data. Default=1.00E+00
      --scale_by_inverse_samples {0,1}
                            *OPTIONAL* Should the total power values should be
                            scaled by the number of samples per integration? 0 No,
                            or 1 Yes.
      --extra_scale_factor EXTRA_SCALE_FACTOR
                            *OPTIONAL* Extra scaling factor for total power.
                            Default is 1.00
      --bounds_check_output {0,1}
                            *OPTIONAL* Should the software do bounds checking when
                            converting data types? 0 No, or 1 Yes. This is most
                            useful only for integer output types, whre the default
                            is a simple truncation of bits.
      --extra_string_option_0 EXTRA_STRING_OPTION_0
                            *OPTIONAL* Extra string option for controlling some
                            writers. Default is ''
      --extra_string_option_1 EXTRA_STRING_OPTION_1
                            *OPTIONAL* Extra string option for controlling some
                            writers. Default is ''
      --extra_string_option_2 EXTRA_STRING_OPTION_2
                            *OPTIONAL* Extra string option for controlling some
                            writers. Default is ''
      --extra_string_option_3 EXTRA_STRING_OPTION_3
                            *OPTIONAL* Extra string option for controlling some
                            writers. Default is ''
      --extra_string_option_4 EXTRA_STRING_OPTION_4
                            *OPTIONAL* Extra string option for controlling some
                            writers. Default is ''
      --verbose, -v         write commands to screen as well as executing
      --echo_only           Only show the commands that would be processed, do not
                            actually run them
      --stdin               Read the arguments to the program from stdin instead
                            of from the command line. If this option is present,
                            it must be the only option on the command line
                            provided, and all regular options must be passed in
                            via stdin.
      --version, -V         Print the version number of this software and exit.

    See the accompanying manual for more information.



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