06 June

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    2011 June 30

    A. Horneffer and K.Schlich did the following:

    1) Re-connect pulled RCUs:

    30: -> 10638002094

    31: -> 10638002062

    64: -> 10638002001

    65: -> 10638001026

    178: -> 10638001092

    179: -> 10638002005

    2) Checked RCUs

    The spectra from channels 30, 31, 178 and 179 look O.K.

    The HBA-led of RCU 64 is always "half-lit". The in rcumode 5 and 7 the channels 64 and 65 show only the receiver noise. In rcumode 3 the two channels show mostly a normal spectrum, except that channel 64 has a higher noise-floor. Exchanging the RCU module does not change that behavior. Measuring the output voltage (the antenna power supply) gives:

      rcumode 5, HBA rcumode 5, LBH rcumode 3, HBA rcumode 3, LBH
    RCU 64 2.9 V 0.01 V 2.9 V 7.8 V
    RCU 70 48.1 V 0.06 V 0.0 V 7.8 V