08 August

    2011 Aug 11

    J. Verbiest reports that aparently (the antennas at) RCUs 179 and 181 seem to be oscillating every now and then. I.e. generate so much power that it dominates the formed beam.

    2011 Aug 08

    Klaus Schlich replaced the broken RCU 185:

    old S/N: .....38001019

    new S/N: .....38001051

    2011 Aug 05

    According to Alex Kraus one of the LBA antennas was found toppled over after one of the cable ties broke. Alex fixed this with a replacement cable tie.

    2011 Aug 01

    1) Set up Observer Accounts

    J. Anderson and A. Horneffer set up observer accounts on the data taking PCs and the LCU. For observations please use the account "observer" on the lofar1, lofar2, lofar3, lofar4 PCs and "user9" on the LCU.

    2) Set up RAID on lofar2

    J. Behrend configured the RAID0 on lofar2, which had been unavailable since some disks broke.

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