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    2013 May 07

    The LOFAR HP switch was moved from the Effelsberg Faraday room to the RZ group in Bonn


    Mice have been chewing on the data fiber connecting the S3 and S2 switches in the LOFAR container in Effelsberg.

    IMG_2823.JPG IMG_2824.JPG




    2013 May 13

    Report by James M Anderson

    Bad LBA RCUs (low power in spectra): 70, 76, 77,106


    Bad HBA RCUs(funny spectra): 18,19,37,54

    (Use following RCUs:   0:17,20:35,38:53,56:191)



    2013 May 15

    Effelsberg temperature history for two weeks.  The thermal stability is not as good as some other international stations.


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