02 [Feb]

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    ILT Operations may want to take over control at any moment. In such a case, the announcement to theobserver will be made.

    Please send your schedules to lofar-obs@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de, or contact Masaya Kuniyoshi.

    lofar-ops@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de if something goes wrong with the station.


    The schedule for the following week is discussed at the end of the weekly Friday LOFAR meetings, and updated thereafter.

    The schedule starting Feb 1st can be found at schedule_2013-02-01.pdf


    Notes on the Schedule-Listing:
    • The lofarAN and lofarBN computers are only scheduled all AN or all BN together. If the scheduled user doesn't need all the AN or BN machines he can allow "piggy-back" processing on the unused machines.
    • The "forward slashes" (from bottom left to to right) in the schedule mean that this block is fixed in time and cannot be shifted. (E.g. observations together with other ttelescopes, presentations at lectures etc.)
    • The "backward slashes" (from top left to bottom right) mean that this is processing only time.
    • The "vertical bars" mean that this is used for copying around large amounts of data.
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