Version as of 13:19, 22 Jul 2024

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    The MPIfR has been involved in LOFAR since about 2001. Anton Zensus became interested because he realized this as a useful step on the way to a participation in the Square Kilometer Array.

    People involved at MPIfR

    • Zensus, Falcke, Lobanov, Britzen, Krichbaum, Anderson
    • Reich, Beck
    • Oberreuter
    • Kraus, Bruns, Sachert, Schlich et al. in Effelsberg
    • Kramer

    Contact Information

    See Effelsberg_LOFAR_Contact_Information


    LOFAR Cycle 0 Proposals from MPIfR

    See LOFAR Proposals: Cycle 0: 2009 Sep 30


    There have been various documents sites created over the years. Mileage may vary, and we need to consolidate this