MG006B Correlation Report
General information
- Session info:
- PI: Gomez
- Targets: OJ287
- Station feedback:
- Correlated in DiFX in two parts for 64 MHz FITS-IDI IF bandwidth
- Scans without ALMA were correlated under DiFX 2.6.2 using 64 MHz wide bands directly
- Scans No0027--No0058 observed with ALMA (62.5 MHz recordings) were correlated under DiFX 2.7.0 (equiv. to DiFX 2.7.1) and the "outputbands" feature synthesized 64 MHz wide bands
- The two (sub)correlations were merged into correlation rev1
- Bugs were identified in polconversion v1 with DiFX 2.6.2 PolConvert, polconversion v2 was hence done in more recent VGOS PolConvert, and final polconversion v3 was done in most recent DiFX 2.7.1 PolConvert.
- The final FITS-IDI and HOPS data releases are correlation rev1 polconversion v3
- ALMA VLBI baselines were polconverted using APP QA2 package mg006b_OJ287_a_03_TM1-20210610.APP_DELIVERABLES.tgz
what | date |
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packaging and fringe fit of v3, ALMA and other stations ANTAB, antenna reports | 10.06.2022 |
polconversion v3, bugfix to DiFX difx2fits to produce FITS-IDI from d262+d270 mixed input jobs | 30.05.2022 |
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Station | Code | Fringes | Plots | Comments |
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Post-Correlation checks
FITS completeness (pclist)