Version as of 16:31, 2 Mar 2025

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    C241A Correlation Report

    General information

    • Session info:
    • Station feedback: Gl late due to storm (, bad weather at Pv in the beginning and at Ef, Ys lost scans 0376, 0377, Mh was offline 2024-04-19 1228 to 1400 UTC,  c241a was observed from 109-22:00 to 110-06:50 UT, 110-10:00 to 110-10:37 UT. Nn did not observe due to storm in the beginning, then due to a cabling error, we were on the "regular" 3mm band R&S SMA 100A synthesizer that was referenced to the maser (it should have sufficient quality for VLBI, however). We switched to the VLBI specific R&S SMA 100B just before starting c241b, and the following observations of c241b and c241c were done with it, Aa good, no KT


    what date
    started e-transfer for PV(2/2), Ys, On, Mh, sent email to KVN/Mp (awaiting start), Ef done 22.04.2024
    Fringes between Pv, On, Ys, Ef, Mh, sync error for Mh and probably Ys (missing frames) but only in the first few scans? 24.04.2024
    KVN data transfer started (complete), At & Mp still missing, but contacted via email to check 26.04.2024


    Station Fringes Plots Comments
    Ef y    
    Pv y    
    Ys y    
    Mh y    
    On y    
    KVN (3) y    


    Post-Correlation checks


    FITS completeness (pclist)