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Version as of 00:10, 23 Jul 2024

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enlightenedILT Operations may want to take over control at any moment. In such a case, I'll make the announcement to the


enlightenedPlease send your schedules to lofar-obs@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de, or contact Masaya Kuniyoshi.

Day   Start   Stop   Observer   Task   Hardware
Mon 26. Sep 00:00 12:00 ILT station calibration et al. LCU
Mon 26. Sep 15:30 24:00 James pulsar, software et al. LCU, lofar1,2,4
Mon 26. Sep 09:00 19:00 Masaya MS, J-Matrix software et al. lofar3
yesTue 27. Sep 10:00 19:00 James pulsar, software et al. LCU, lofar1,2,4
Tue 27. Sep 10:00 18:00 Masaya MS, J-Matrix software et al. lofar3
Wed 28. Sep 10:00 18:00 Masaya MS, J-Matrix software et al. lofar3
yesWed 28. Sep 15:00 18:00 James pulsar, software et al. LCU, lofar1,2,4
Thu 29. Sep 10:00 18:00 Masaya MS, J-Matrix software et al. lofar3
Fri 30. Sep 9:00 12:00 James pulsar, software et al. LCU, lofar1,2,4
Fri 30. Sep 12:00 24:00 ILT station calibration et al. LCU
Fri 30. Sep 10:00 18:00 Masaya MS, J-Matrix software et al. lofar3
Sat 01. Oct 00:00 24:00 ILT station calibration et al. LCU
Sun 02. Oct 00:00 24:00 ILT station calibration et al. LCU
Mon 03. Oct 00:00 12:00 ILT station calibration et al. LCU
Tue 04. Oct          
Wed 05. Oct          
Thu 06. Oct          
Fri 07. Oct 11:00 24:00 ILT station calibration et al. LCU
Sat 08. Oct 00:00 24:00 ILT station calibration et al. LCU
Sun 09. Oct 00:00 24:00 ILT station calibration et al. LCU


yes Tue 27, Wed 28

If someone wants to do real observations, they are welcome.