Table of contents
- 1. PV
This page contains information about the hardware/software setups at the various GMVA stations.
Please remember to update the information here whenever your setup changes.
<table align="left" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width: 100%; border-style: solid;">
<td><strong>Mark5B+ recorder</strong></td>
<p>OS: Debian Etch (2.6.18 kernel)</p>
<p>SDK 8.2 (patched)</p>
<p>dimino: version ?</p>
<td><strong>Mark5C recorder</strong></td>
<p>OS: Debien Lenny</p>
<p>SDK 9.2</p>
<p>DRS: version 0.9.7</p>
<p>Secondary Field System: version 9.10.4</p>
<td><strong>Field system computer</strong></td>
<p>OS: opensuse 11.2</p>
<p>Field System Version 9.10.5</p>
<p>PFB firmware version 14 (<a href="" title="DBBC_CalibrationPlot_PFBV14.pdf">calibration</a>)</p>
<p>DDC firmware version v102 (<a href="" title="DBBC_CalibrationPlot_V102.pdf">calibration</a>)</p>
<p>FILA10G firmware version 2.0</p>
<p>Hardware: ADB1, CAT2</p>
<p><a href="" title="Pico_DBBC.jpg">current RCP/LCP cabling</a> <a href="" title="DBBC_front.jpg">frontside view</a></p>