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    Version as of 15:26, 3 Jul 2024

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    Fringe search:


    Station Fringes Comment
    Ef yes Effelsberg DBBC2: coherence bad
    Eb yes Effelsberg RDBE: coherence bad
    On yes  
    Mh yes  
    Pv yes  
    Ys yes no RCP
    Fd yes  
    La yes  
    Pt no maybe weak fringes to Gb
    Nl yes  
    La yes  
    Kp yes  
    Ov yes  
    Br yes  
    Gb yes  
    Ku yes  
    Ky -- no data
    Kt yes  


    • Vex file used in correlation: c171a.vex.difx
    • V2D file used in correlation: c171a.v2d
    • Scans missed: c171a.nodata
    • Correlated, sent to TKri for checks
    • Correlated a 2nd time due to confusion between Eb (RDBE) and Ef (DBBC).
    • It is a bad idea to have difx as the suffix for your vex file. Running difx2fits is more cumbersome!


    What Date
    Correlation 2nd round finished 27.7.2017
    Conversion to HOPS (note that the KVN setup cannot be handled fully) 27.7.2017
    Fourfit fringe fitting  
    Conversion to FITS with -u (union) option 27.7.2017
    PCList check  
    aedit plots of AMP, SNR, DRATE, SBDEL, MBDEL  
    Read into AIPS and spot checking