VLBI HPC cluster

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    Version as of 19:13, 27 Jul 2024

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    Cluster Booking

    Please contact the VLBI correlator operators (Tel. 220, email: mk4) if you would like to allocate time on the cluster.

    Check here to see when you can use which nodes and what diskspace on the cluster.

    Defective nodes: none

    Available nodes: 1 - 60


    Time period Nodes assigned
    Who What Diskspace Comment
        Reich Simulations    
     10.8.-12.8.2009  ALL Rottmann Correlation of GB065A    finishes at noon
     12.8.-16.8.2009 1-40 Deller BM261 /home/swcorel or /Exps disk (to be installed)  
    13.8.-14.8.2009?? FXmanager Alef Add 1 TB Disk /Exps disk will be installed have to take FXmanager down for about 1 hour

    Cluster Layout


               IO02 / 20 TB                      Nodes 41-60, IO01 / 20 TB,            Nodes 1 - 40
                                                          Appliance, Frontend,