C222D Correlation Report
what | date |
Fringe search 3mm started | 30 Jan 2023 |
Correlation 3mm started | 09 Feb 2023 |
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Station | Code | Fringes | Plots | Comments |
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- Pico notes say "not scheduled observing another project"
- VLBA KP could not observe
- VLBA log: "PT timing may be off", no PT 3mm fringe in a searched range of +- 256 usec; same finding as in C222C although there at least PT had 7mm fringes
- VLBA PT module: the last six scans starting from No0245 have zero bytes of data
Post-Correlation checks
Residuals 3mm
Polarization 3mm
Detections 3mm
FITS completeness (pclist)