PV Station

    Version as of 21:52, 6 Oct 2024

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    Name Email Phone Skype
    Salvador Sanchez sanchez@iram.es +34 958482002 138  
    Helge Rottmann rottmann@mpifr.de +49 228 525 123 helgerottmann


    Mark5B+ OS Debian Etch (2.6.18 kernel)
    SDK 8.2 (patched)
    software version dimino (version ?)
    Mark5C OS Debien Lenny
    SDK 9.2
    software version DRS: version 0.9.7


    DBBC 2

    PFB firmware version 14 (calibration)

    DDC firmware version v102 (calibration)

    FILA10G firmware version 2.0

    Hardware: ADB1, CAT2

    current RCP/LCP cabling   frontside view

    Field System

    Version 9.10.5


    Activity Log


    • Changed the default recorder for the Field System to be Mark5C (pv-mark5c-1). This was done because of the 16TB modules delivered to PV for the upcoming session. The Mark5B+ can currently only record up to 8TB due to the outdated SDK (8.2). Wrote two scripts (snap2mark5c, proc2mark5c) that transform the snap and proc files created by drudg into mark5c format. The scripts are located in /usr2/sched and /usr2/proc.
    • Updated the DBBC DDC firmware to the latest version v104_2. However it has turned out that this is too recent for the FS 9.10.5. Therefore the DBBC DDC firmware v102 was installed on the DBBC and will be used for the Sep13 session.
    • DBBC calibration was performed for the DDC v102 firmware and the PFB v14 firmware. The corresponding control files were updated with the new calibration values.
    • Verification that the DBBC on PV has ADB1 boards installed. Fixed an error in the DBBC configuration for the PFB v14 firmware which had assumed ADB2.


    • Salvador has updated equip.ctl. rack type is now correctly set to dbbc. FS now properly recognizes and executes the bbcXX commands.
    • Updates the time.ctl file with a new rate, following the procedure outlined in /usr2/fs/misc/fstime.txt. This has solved the issue of the FS time running away quickly.
    • Configured and tested the autoftp feature of the FS. An autoftp script was created under  /usr2/fs/autoftp/autoftp that will handle the transfer to the Bonn FTP server. Installed ncftp onpv-mar5b-1 (required by autoftp). Setup password-less login from the FS computer to the mark5b machine for user oper.


    • Recording test with Mark5C failed (corrupted data). Jan Wagner suggested to load different firmware for the amazon daughterboard (see notes). Afterwards recording was successful (tested with m5test).
    • Wrote scripts to automatically download and drudg all vex schedules on mrt-vlbi and pv-mar5c-1.See instructions for usage.
    • Prepared instructions for extracting data from a  scan recorded on mark5c and mark5b for ftp fringe test.


    Rottmann travels to Pico to support  the 2GB/s test experiment (TW004) and to prepare the system for the upcoming 4GB/s 1mm session in march 2013.

    The following work was done on this trip:

    • a new Mark5c recorder has been shipped to Pico Veleta and was installed in the VLBI-rack. The recorder was setup with the latest SDK (9.2), DRS and other auxillliary packages (see notes )
    • The internal FILA10G board already present (but disconnected) was connected to the DBBC (see notes).
    • The Mark5C was connected to the FILA10G card by optical fibre / Glapper / Copper.
    • The PFB firmware on the DBBC was upgraded to the latest version (v14).
    • The FILA10G firmware was upgraded to the latest version v2.0 (see notes)
    • The latest documentation (DBBC hardware, PFB, FILA10G) was obtained from HatLab, printed out and stored in the DBBC folder in the VLBI room.
    • The new field system computer brought up in 2011 was finalized and used for the 2GB/s recording on 14.2.
    • The field system was upgraded to 9.10.5. DBBC support was confirmed and tested. PV station code was recompiled and verified to work.
    • Test recordings were done with the Mark5C and Mark5B+
    • After the 2GB/s test 8s of data were transfered to Bonn. Correlation done by Bertarini confirmes fringes between Pv, Ef and On (see fringe plot)
    • The actual procedure for the upcoming  4Gbps experiment in march using 2 recorders was established and verified to work. Step-by-step instructions were documented (see document).


    Fringes with PV DBBC found. Project phase 1 finished.

    24.11. - 25.11.2011

    Rottmann and Wunderlich travel to Pico. The following work was done:

    • Replace defective boards in the DBBC. Verified functionality of the DBBC.
    • OS upgrade on the Mark5A to Debian Etch (2.6.18 kernel)
    • Upgrade of the Mark5A software on the Mark5A computer.
    • SDK upgrade to version 8.2  on the Mark5A system.
    • Installed field system version 9.10.4 on the new and the old field system computers. New field system computer tested.
    • Perfomed test observations with Effelsberg  @2Gbps PFB mode. Due to extremely bad weather only 5 minutes of good data.


    Rottmann travels to Pico. The following work was done:

    • Installed the DBBC hardware. Stability and reliabilty not optimal. Must be improved.
    • Brought and installed a new field system computer. No time to fully test. Recomend to stay with the old system for now.
    • Plans to upgrade SDK version on the Mark5A recorder postponed due to oudated kernel version. OS needs to be upgraded first to more recent version.