Bonn LOFAR/SKA Focus Group Meeting 2009 Oct 27

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                                   ***  Tuesday October 27 ***
                                   ***         16:00               ***

                                        Seminar room 3.25


    • Status of the Effelsberg LOFAR station and first results (J. Anderson)
    • Status of LOFAR rollout and commissioning (J. Anderson)
    • Long baseline fringes Effelsberg - Exloo (O. Wucknitz)
    • LOFAR Magnetism Key Science Project (R. Beck/J. Anderson)
    • News from the International LOFAR Working Group (A. Zensus/R. Beck)
    • News from the International SKA Steering Committee (A. Zensus)
    • New SKA technical design and timeline (R. Beck)
    • SKA Design Reference Mission (R. Beck)
    • Forthcoming workshops and conferences