Table of contents
- 1. 2013 Aug 20
- 1.1. RFI in the low band
2013 Aug 20
RFI in the low band
LBA spectra were taken using the LCU for the LBA dipoles during the day on 2013 Aug 19 and during the following night. Here is the report from Joris Verbiest:
Hello everyone,
I just took a spectrum at the LBA frequencies, pointing to PSR
B1919+21 (pretty close to transiting at an elevation angle around 60),
at about CEST 22:35. The plot is attached as Night_LBA_BandPass.JPEG.
I've also attached a plot of a bandpass taken in a completely similar
mode, when PSR B1133+16 was transiting earlier today (slightly lower
elevation, but also around transit).
I think the difference in the 40-70 MHz range is very clear.
I haven't looked at the data yet to figure out if they're useful. I'll
do that tomorrow. (The PSR B1133+16 observation from earlier today was
quite clearly _not_ useful!)