18.07 - 22.07

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    enlightenedThe station is in local mode.

    enlightenedILT Operations may want to take over control at any moment. In such a case, I'll make the announcement to the


    enlightenedPlease send your schedules to Masaya Kuniyoshi <mkuniyos@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de>.

    • 09:00 - 18:00 (20.July) Masaya : pulsar, LBH, polarization, calibration, lofar3, lofarx, LCU
    • 16:00 - (22.July) Masaya :



    indecisionMasaya will be using lofar3 during the week.

    indecisionComing Monday 18 July all International LOFAR links will go down from
    13:00-16:00 for maintenance by Surfnet. This is done to prepare (1) an
    upgrade of the Amsterdam to Groningen link and (2) an upgrade of the
    Juelich to Amsterdam link.In the coming period more downtime is expected in order to achieve this upgrade.

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