Telecon, 2012-05-02

    1. Review of previous minutes (May 16, 2011)

    • Things we have forgotten? All
    • Mark5C software, support of both banks
    • (DBBC specific requirements in sched.)
    • (Tuning compatibility between RDBE/DBBC)
    1. US progress report

    • Haystack, [Whitney et al.]
    • Mark5, Mark6, SDK9-status
    • RDBE
    • NRAO, [Romney et al.]
    • PFB operational status  [Romney],Romney.pdf
    • DDC current situation  [Romney]
      (including study of future options)
    • DDC future features  [Brisken], Brisken.pdf, VLBA Sensitivity Upgrade Memo 39.pdf
      (complex sampling, multiple RDBEs, VDIF)
    • Defective 2TB disk drives  [Brisken]
    • XCube switches  [Brisken]
    • New synthesizer  [Durand]
    • Phased EVLA status  [Deller]
    • RDBE at HSA-stations
    • Sched support for all the above  [Walker]   
    • FS and DBBC/RDBE-support [Himwich]
    1. EVN progress report

    • DBBC, [Alef], Lindqvist], DBBC.pdf
    • NEXPReS report, [Szomoru, Lindqvist, Alef]
    • Overview
    • Demo @ 4 Gbps (Ef, Ys, On), June 20
    • Ari-box
    1. LBA progress report

    • Lessons learnt from Australia, [Tzioumis]
    1. Planned tests of backends US and/or EVN, LBA

    1. Items of mutual interest for the upcoming CBD/TOG-meetings at Bonn/Onsala? [All]

    • CBD-meeting, Bonn, May 10
    • TOG-meeting, Onsala, June 27-28
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