GLOW Observing Proposals

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    Call for Proposals

    The GLOW LOFAR stations are open to all members of GLOW. There is no proposal deadline at this time.

    To propose for observations with one or more GLOW LOFAR stations, please fill out the form GLOW-proposal-v1.txt and send it to <>.


    Please note that:

    1. The software to use the stations is still under development.  If you want to do something, you may have to write the software to do that.
    2. The stations are still being heavily tested, observations may fail any time for any number of reasons.
    3. The station owners have the final say about using their stations, with all that this implies.
    4. We encourage you to submit ILT proposals asking for observing time with the GLOW stations. But if you want to use GLOW recording computers for your ILT time then you still need to fill out a GLOW proposal.
    5. If you want to use the recording system set up by the MPIfR then you need an account from the MPIfR. Please remember to apply for one early enough.
    6. Results of observations and testing must be regularly reported to the GLOW and the general LOFAR community. Without proof that useful science is done with the GLOW LOFAR setup we can't keep this running.


    Of course testing or maintenance of your own station doesn't require you to fill out a proposal form. But you should keep us all updated so that we can adjust the schedule.

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